Faculty News


Evans teachers and students were primarily teaching and learning remotely at the beginning of this term. Our amazing CAPA teachers have kept the music going by collaborating on this video whilst working from home.


Check out the video and article below.



Year 7 Fiction Non-Fiction:


In Fiction Non-Fiction, Year 7 are studying a unit in Term 2 called 'Time', which takes students back to the Elizabethan Era and the life of Shakespeare. They are conducting a study of his famous play, Romeo and Juliet, analysing particular scenes and exploring the main ideas. Earlier in the unit, students were given a colouring activity. These two students did a wonderful job. 


Year 11 English:


In Year 11 Standard English, students are studying a module in Term 2 called 'Close Study of Literature', where they conduct a study of the novel 'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Husseini. Students have been doing well with online learning, utilising a number of different options to suit their learning needs. This particular student has used their exercise book at home as well as a printed version of their work package to complete their work. Photos of work have been taken and submitted online. 


Year 12 English:


In Year 12 Standard English, students are studying two modules in Term 2 called 'Close Study of Literature' and 'The Craft of Writing'. We look into dystopia, what it means and the messages it conveys to us as members of contemporary society. Students conduct a study of two prescribed texts: 'The Pedestrian' by Ray Bradbury (a short story) and 'FEED' by M.T Anderson (a novel). Students have adjusted quite easily to online learning and are communicating with their classroom teachers on a regular basis. To create quality teaching for the HSC, a high leverage strategy of inter-relatedness has been used. An activity designed to create links between English and Visual Arts was assigned to provide students with a greater insight into the various modes of dystopia. This student did a wonderful job of analysing two dystopian artworks.