Community News

Community News
Emmanuel College News
It is great once again to be able to share some of the students’ experiences at Emmanuel College beyond the classroom. In educating the whole person, it is important that we offer a range of different opportunities in which students can engage. We look forward to many of these type activities starting up again at the College next term. There truly is something for everyone.
Please use the link below to enjoy the videos.
We wish students, staff and families all the best for a safe and relaxing holiday break.
Please note that Catholic Education Melbourne has extended the closing date for applications for Year 7, 2022 until 9 October, 2020 to accommodate for delays posed by COVID – 19. Even though there is an extension to this date, we urge families to still submit enrolment applications as soon as possible.
Prospectus Packs including application forms can be requested from the College website; under the enrolment information tab, by emailing the College Registrar at or calling on 8325 5119. If you have any questions about this change of date, please feel free to contact the College Registrar.concert performance playing before family and friends.
Music is one part of the element of performing arts that is offered at the College. Using the link below will connect you with a short video highlighting the music and performing arts opportunities available at Emmanuel College. There really is something for everyone.
A reminder that applications for Year 7, 2022 close on Friday 21 August 2020. If you would like an enrolment application form, they can be requested from the College website, under the enrolment information tab or by emailing the College Registrar at or calling on 8325 5119.
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