Student Well-being

Spotlight: Year 1/2 Community
Focus: Emotions
As we settle back into routine of the classroom, the Year 1/2 community have been working on their skills of identifying emotions. With so much happening in the world at the moment, being able to identity different emotions in both themselves and in others is becoming more and more vital.
We have also been learning about strategies that we can use when we are feeling strong emotions. This helps us return back to a calm, comfortable and stable state.
Drawing inspiration from movie clips such as Inside Out has helped make this difficult idea something that our community are able to understand and continue developing.
Born to Shine
Focus: Born to Shine Wellbeing Program
I am feeling so excited to start the Born to Shine wellbeing program next term! Thank you so much for filling out the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. We are collating the data and will let you know if your child has been selected to take part in this program by the end of the term.
School Holiday Boredom Busters!
There is nothing more frustrating than continually hearing children say "I'm booooored!"
So, we have you covered! Here is a list of fun ideas for these school holidays!
Make your own DIY Diary for all of your thoughts, secrets and drawings!
Make a batch of glow in the dark slime! Click on this link for the recipe- glow in the dark slime.
Make your own leaf character! Or a whole family of leaves!
Make your own rainbow toast and eat it! Click on this link for the instructions- rainbow toast
Make your own pets and characters out of pipe cleaners and paper!
Make your own life-size version of Angry Birds!
Have a paper plane contest! How many points can you get?
Create a pom pom race track! You will need pom poms, tape and a straw for hitting!
Hope you enjoy these activities and see you next term!
Haylea Anderson
Student Wellbeing Leader