From the Principal's Desk

What a Term!
As we crawl towards the end of second term I would like to thank everyone for the way we have worked together and supported each other through these unprecedented times.
Our staggered start proved most successful in bringing all children back on site and all families have paid respect to the processes needed to be put in place in the mornings and afternoons.
Our children have been wonderful and need to be commended for the way in which they have seamlessly adapted to new routines as they launched back into school life.
Having said that, the amount of worry and anxiety our children and families are experiencing has really surfaced in the last two weeks. This is something our staff are really conscious about so it will be a huge focus for us moving forward.
With all families taking a cautious approach in assessing if their child is unwell, as directed by Victoria's Chief Health officer, the last two weeks has also seen a spike in absentee data. Therefore to assist families in being able to keep their child engaged with their learning while at home, our wonderful teachers have uploaded a range of activities onto their Google Classroom for children to connect with over the coming days.
So as we move into the term break let's hope we can all rest up and 're-charge the batteries'. We hope that this holiday period is far more predictable than last and we look forward to a little bit of normality next term.
Mid Year Reports and Student Portfolios
On Friday 26th June, families will receive a copy of the Mid Year Reports within the Student Portfolio as is our normal process.
Please remember that there are some major changes, as communicated last week, to the report and the portfolio. This is detailed again on the front page of the report so please take the time, if you haven't already, to read the changes carefully.
If your child is absent, you are welcome to collect his/her report and portfolio from the school office on Friday 26th June between 11:30am and 1:00pm.
Welcome Back!
Next term we welcome back Mrs Danielle Camerota who will be returning from maternity leave in a part time role. Part of Mrs Camerota's role will be working with our Year 3/4H children on a Friday.
Danielle will be taking over from Mrs Tina Cuni who will return full-time to our very successful Numeracy Intervention Program. We thank Tina for her wonderful work and care given to our Year 3/4H class and look forward to having Danielle back on staff.
Thank You
A big thank you to Jessica Stanley for putting together a beautiful prayer cloth for our Year Prep children!
Year 7 2022: Updated key enrolment dates for Year 5 students starting Year 7 in 2022 Main Points
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Education Melbourne has extended enrolment application deadlines for Year 5 students in 2020 enrolling in Year 7 in 2022.
Please note that due to the extension of the deadline, the timeline of enrolment-related events has also been updated. Due to the extended deadline, the timeline of events has been updated to the following:
- 9 October 2020 – applications close
- 1 December 2020 – offers posted to prospective applicants
- 15 December 2020 – final date for families to accept offer made by school.
Jump Rope for Heart
We have had another fun-filled week of skipping here at Corpus Christi School. On top of practising skipping during our Physical Education Lessons, students are enjoying skipping during lunch and recess times too. We are all eagerly awaiting our “Jump Off Day” on July 17th, so that we can showcase the many skills we have learnt.
Congratulations to Sam Cheesley, Ayva Simpson, Alison, Violet and Jade Feely, Ben Cannon, Summer De Domenico, Isabelle Craig, Liam and Sophie Fitzsimon, Francesca Miller, Oslo Ryan, Raphael Shearer, Julia Cuni, Emma Amati da Cunha, Alexander Berkis, Eamon Dunne, and Ivy and Luke Waterworth who have all begun raising much needed funds for the Heart Foundation.
If you have not already signed up, please head to
Not all families are in a position to donate money and that is completely fine. If you could create an account and log how much skipping your child is doing, that would be wonderful too!
Mrs. Brittney Wohling
Physical Education Coordinator
Learnings From the Lockdown
Last week I wrote about the opportunity for parents to give feedback in regards to what we have learned from our period of remote learning.
It has been a challenging time for us all, but despite the major disruptions to normal activities, there are many valuable lessons derived from this period that we as a school, and the system, wish to take forward.
Below is a link to a survey in order to help capture the learnings from the remote learning period.
The surveys are designed to be a quick capture of learnings while the experience is fresh, and are not designed to capture every aspect of schooling during the lockdown period.
Our staff have already completed the survey and our middle to senior students will be invited (through Google Classroom) to do the same.
Your feedback is also greatly valued!
Here is the link to the survey. It really is a short survey and is only expected to take approximately 10 minutes to complete. So PLEASE give it a go!
For more information as to why we need to capture these learnings please feel free to watch this short video by Dr Simon Breakspear, from Agile Schools
A Message from Seddon Community Bank
We are more than happy for families to visit our branch over the school holidays, where we are following strict safety protocols. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
In the meantime, happy holidays everyone and we look forward to connecting with you again in Term 3.
Suzanne, Andy and Deirdre
Seddon Community Bank
Check it Out !
Make sure you check out all our pages in this our last Newsletter of the Term. They really are a celebration of all the learning that took place .
Have a Happy Holiday!
Stay safe and God Bless
Anthony Hyde