Middle School


Congratulations to our middle students on a wonderful performance last night. It was fabulous to see all their hard work come together in amazing performances. The students should be very proud of their positive approach to rehearsals and they way they presented in front of a big audience. Well done!

Public Speaking Competition

All students will be participating in our annual Public Speaking Competition. They are beginning to write their speeches and will present their talks in front of their class during Week Four.  Finalists will present to the level and there will be an overall winner from each year.  We look forward to engaging speeches as our students are tremendous public speakers.


Only three classes to go! It would be great to see volunteers attend our final kitchen and garden classes. We need your support to ensure students get the most out of their final sessions. Please see your classroom teacher if you are able to assist.  Kitchen and garden classes are on Tuesdays. 


Please return swimming notices ASAP.  We are looking forward to a wonderful two weeks of developing our swimming, water safety knowledge and survival techniques. The program provides invaluable skills for our students.