
Last Friday evening, the Drama Department celebrated the end of year with our Drama showcase evening, Vetrina del Teatro. The evening included highlights from our curriculum Drama classes, Drama Club, and Theatresports, along with our new Drama X Ensemble’s interpretation of David Burton’s play The Final Days of Bedlam. Drama X Ensemble was an extension drama opportunity for students, that was provided in conjunction with La Boite Theatre Company’s LB Riot Program.
As an extension opportunity, students were required to audition for the ensemble and were involved in a year-long unit of work based on the contemporary play The Final Days of Bedlam by David Burton. The scheme of work involved extensive studying, workshopping, and re-imagining of the play, along with the development of individual performance and ensemble skills. The play explored the final days of school … EVER ... and the Drama X Ensemble transported its audience into a fictional version of today, where school is no longer compulsory – in fact the government is no longer going to fund public school at all. A world where a group of students at Bedlam High contemplated what this meant for them and what they wanted next. Do they even want to go to school? Should they start their own school? What will the world be like without school? The only thing that was certain was that those last few days were complete bedlam. We have been extremely impressed with the passion, motivation, and dedication these students have demonstrated this year, along with their amazing growth as performing artists. It has been a real pleasure working with the ensemble every Tuesday afternoon, and we are so proud of what they produced as an ensemble.
On the evening we also celebrated the achievements of students in Drama with the presentation of Drama Awards. Congratulations to the following girls on their excellence in Drama for 2019:
Francis School Drama Excellence: Jessica Chripczuk Morales
Clare School Drama Excellence: Ruby Davissen
Elizabeth Hayes Drama Excellence: Anna DeBellis
Leadership in Drama Excellence: Therese DeBellis
Director’s Most Improved: Michaela Aitchison
Drama Captains' Award for Excellence: Bridie Davissen and Rose Williams
We would also like to congratulate our Drama Captains, Anna DeBellis and Emily Stitt, and Theatresports captain Therese DeBellis on their amazing leadership and contributions to the life of Drama in the College for 2019. Oprah Winfrey once said that, “Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering.” This idea of leadership, we think, really sums up the amazing way our captains have led, promoted, and advocated for Drama at Mt A this year.
Elise Cohen and Karen Farrow, Teachers
From the Captains
On 15 November, the Mount Alvernia Drama Department hosted the Vetrina Del Teatro (Theatre Showcase) evening. Our enthusiastic audience was entertained with performances from the Junior Drama Club and Drama X Ensemble, as well as performances from the Years 9, 10, and 11 Drama classes.
We would like to congratulate all the girls who performed on this evening and assisted to make this showcase such a success.
Anna DeBellis and Emily Stitt, Drama Captains
Therese DeBellis (Theatresports Captain)
What have you enjoyed about your role this year?
As Theatresports Captain this year, I have been privileged to encounter a wide range of dramatic talents and elements from our Theatresports girls across all year levels. Not only have I witnessed the junior girls’ talents, but I have also had the opportunity to nurture their God-given gifts.
What are one or two highlights in the Drama life of the College?
A major highlight in my leadership was witnessing the first heats of the Junior Theatresports competition. Although the girls were filled with nerves for their first performances, it was a night marking a newfound friendship and unity in all the groups. Each heat imbued the teams with a new sense of joy - a joy that has been carried throughout the year. Additionally, I will never forget the laughter after every Friday lunch!
What are you proud of?
I am proud of all the girls who showed up every week ready to train, rehearse, and develop their skills. I am especially proud of the Reserve Team girls who, even without performing, trained every week to support the competing girls, and came to every heat to show their appreciation. I am truly in awe by their commitment to our club.
What have you learnt about the importance of experiencing or being involved in drama?
Throughout my past experiences being involved in Drama, I have understood the art to be just acting. However, being Theatresports Captain has shone a new light towards this belief.
The dramatic art refers to the whole of humanity - our interactions, experiences, and how we connect with each other. Extracurricular Drama this year was about forming bonds between friends, leaders, and the arts - all to build confidence and understanding about the world around us. Furthermore, I discovered through my captaincy that drama is about how we learn from other’s experiences. Had I not embarked on this leadership journey, I would not have seen the personal growth of each Theatresports member. I now truly understand that through connecting with others, breaking down barriers (dramatically), and stepping forth into a new, confronting role, drama is about how we can change people’s lives.
To all the girls who contributed to Theatresports, Drama Club, and extracurricular Drama, thank you for your perseverance, joy, creativity, talent, and determination. It has been an incredible year.