Year 11 Artist Incursion - Jacqueline Scotcher

On Thursday 31 October, students from the Year 11 Visual Art class participated in a full-day excursion/incursion with Jacqueline Scotcher to kickstart their understanding of Unit 3: Art as Knowledge.
As a part of this new unit, students need to be exposed to a relatively unfamiliar environment, and create art works and observations in response to this experience. The morning started at school with a brief talk by the artist, before we then travelled by bus to New Farm Park. Students were invited to sit and draw the start of our journey, paying attention to obvious landmarks and noises that could be observed from where we were sitting. After this visual journey had started, we then continued on foot on the Brisbane River Walk and through the back streets of New Farm, where students were constantly asked to stop and again record their observations of the environment in a visual format, as demonstrated by Ms Scotcher.
Lorella Masci
Learning Area Advisor - The Arts