General Information (1 of 1) 


Public Holiday Reminder:

No School Monday & Tuesday

Dear Families, please be reminded that this weekend is Melbourne Cup Weekend. Monday (1 November) is our mid-term break and Tuesday (2 November) is a public holiday (Melbourne Cup Day). The school and kinder will be closed. We hope you all enjoy your extra long weekend.


We look forward to finally having all of our students back on-site together on Wednesday 3 November. In celebration, we will be having a sausage sizzle lunch! 


Sausages in bread (sauce optional) will be on offer for anyone who would like a tasty hot lunch. Unfortunately, on this occasion, we are not able to cater for specific dietary requirements. 



Students may wear either their school sport or formal uniform while they are at school this term. We are mindful of the fact that many students will have grown out of certain uniform items during their time away and are therefore allowing the options of sports or formal. We do request, however, that students wear a proper uniform.



Families are reminded that school hats are compulsory during Term 4, please ensure your child has their school hat with them.



Masks are not mandated for Prep to Year 2, but are strongly recommended. We will leave this individual decision with parents and carers to decide. If you do decide to let your child wear a mask, they only need to wear them indoors and will be allowed to remove their masks during break periods when they are outdoors.


A mask mandate has been introduced for students in Years 3-6. This means your child will be required to wear a mask while they are indoors. They will be allowed to remove their masks during break periods when they are outdoors.  For information on supporting young children with masks, please click here


A mask mandate continues to exist for students in Years 7-12. This means your child will be required to wear a mask while they are indoors and outdoors. Please ensure that your child has their mask with them to wear while at school.


Restricted entry to buildings

A reminder that parents, carers and visitors are currently not allowed to enter any buildings in line with current COVID restrictions. Social distancing requirements should also be adhered to. We would ask families, where reasonably possible, to try to limit the amount of time they are on school property.


Year 12 Exams have now begun. Please keep our Years 11 and 12 students in your prayers as they undertake these.


All students have been emailed a copy of their exam timetable, along with the Guidance for Students Document and VCE Exam Navigator. Students MUST arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start time of their exam and ensure they are practicing hand hygiene, wearing their masks, and social distancing.


One of the school’s requirements is to ensure that we have a COVID-19 manager who will liaise with students who may be unable to attend their exam due to the impact of COVID-19. This is to ensure that we can provide you with timely instructions and to allow the school to plan accordingly. 


Students whose exams are impacted by COVID-19 through being a Primary Close Contact, test COVID positive, or who have covid like symptoms  must  email

without delay. If students are affected on the day of the exam, they must contact the school via phone as soon as possible.


We want to reassure families that the school is doing everything it can to facilitate the students completing exams despite the challenges that COVID-19 presents. We wish them all well for their upcoming exams.


Focus on the Family has information on how to support your child during exams. The article covers the following:


1.  Teach your child time management skills

2.  Teach your child to think well

3. Equip your child with stress management skills

4.  Manage your own stress and expectations

5. Ensure your child’s basic needs are well taken care of

6. Provide a conducive and supportive home environment

7.  Remove distractions

8.  Be your child’s cheerleader

9.  Reassure your child of your love regardless of results

10. Practice empathic listening after the exams


To read more on this please click here


Many families will be wondering what procedures we have in place in case of emergency during the fire season.


BHCS is on the BARR (Bushfire At-Risk Register).  This means the school is required to follow a certain set of guidelines during extreme fire days, and will be closed on days deemed to be Code Red.  This means that on Code Red days, no persons will remain at school and out-of-school care will be cancelled. Please take the time to read through the PDF of the school’s procedures for a Code Red day.


The school has passed the audit that looks at our Emergency Procedures and the maintenance of the school's grounds in relation to fire risk. We also continue to review our emergency procedures on an annual basis to ensure we maximise the safety of our entire school community.


To view the school's procedure in relation to the bushfire season, please see the below PDF.


CFA Resources

The CFA offers resources for families in relation to making their own Bushfire Plan. This information can be viewed at the link below:


Independent Schools Victoria Articles

For articles by Independent Schools Victoria that speak to the issue of bushfires, please click on the links below:


Helping people deal with traumatic events

Talking with kids about bushfire emergency


All information related to COVID-19 and the school's actions in relation to this have been placed in a separate newsletter that is being updated 'live'.  Please click here to access.  For the latest list of exposure are published at Case alerts - public exposure sites


A supporting children's mental health during a pandemic toolkit is now available. 


This toolkit contains resources that will assist practitioners and parents and carers to support children’s mental health during pandemic events such as COVID-19. It contains videos, fact sheets, podcasts and guides and includes information about what to expect and how to help children and families cope.   


To access the toolkit on the Emerging Minds website, please click here


How to talk to your child about a COVID diagnosis … and share the news with others

To read an article on how to talk to children about a COVID diagnosis, please refer to 'The Conversation' website by clicking here


eSafetyyoung people

Connecting on social media or playing games can allow you to express yourself and to access support. But sometimes, there can be challenges online that impact how you feel. Find resources to help young people manage their mental health online, click here


Belgrave Heights Christian School is part of the Independent Schools Victoria network of schools. Independent Schools Victoria offers an initiative called The Parents Website.  Here you will find a range of articles and newsletters.  To learn more, please click here.


A few new opportunities to join our enthusiastic team here at BHCS have just been placed on our website! We're currently looking for:


- Secondary Science Teacher (1 year replacement contract)

- Learning Assistants (Prep to Year 12)

- Receptionist

- School Nurse/First Aid Coordinator

- Marketing Assistant & Media Content Creator (1 year replacement Contract)

- Careers Administrator


 Read more by visiting:

All enquiries about these positions should be directed to


The Uniform Shop will is open online and for click and collect only. Jane in the Alinta shop will contact you to arrange a collection time after you place an order.  Thank you for your support, understanding and patience until Alinta has notification the shop can reopen under the current health regulations and guidelines. Please email Jane with any questions 


Please find attached below a copy of the 2022 Fee Schedule. 


Future Bus Users: Families wishing to apply for bus use for 2022 are asked to do so by submitting a Bus application form by tomorrow, Friday 29 October.  Please find the application form below.

Current Bus Users: Current bus families are asked to please indicate their intentions for 2022 bus use by completing the e-form that has been sent via Operoo by tomorrow, Friday 29 October.

If you have any questions in relation to bus travel please email