Where’s God When I’m Scared?
By Monique Thatcher (Senior Database & Operations Administrator)
Where’s God When I’m Scared?
By Monique Thatcher (Senior Database & Operations Administrator)
I recently found myself pondering an episode of VeggieTales that I watched as a child. An episode titled, “Where’s God When I’m Scared?”
Though I am now way past VeggieTales being age-appropriate for me, and I don’t have kids to watch it with, God still speaks through it. Those who went to Sunday School as a child, or have sent their kids to Sunday School will probably know what I’m talking about. If I try to explain the episode to you, it’s probably not going to make a lot of sense… a cucumber pretends to be Daniel, some leeks sing about how they don’t like him, the cucumber orders pizza with some lions… so, maybe you need to watch the episode if you really want to paint an accurate picture, but I digress.
The point of this is that the VeggieTales episode is representing the story of Daniel in the Bible (Daniel Ch. 4 and 6). Daniel lived in a time where maybe some of the laws were not very fair, and Daniel ended up locked up in a lion’s den. I don’t know about you, but there are definitely times this year that my situation has felt like I’ve been in a lion’s den. But Daniel wasn’t afraid. He continued to pray to God. God didn’t immediately get him out of the den, but He did close the mouths of the lions and He protected Daniel.
You know, the Bible says that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever and He never leaves our side (Hebrews 13:5-8). This means that the God who was in the lion’s den with Daniel is the same God who is right by our side today, and in the midst of our circumstances.
My encouragement to you is that when you feel like you are in a lion’s den, you remember that God is bigger than your circumstances. Sometimes we may not be able to escape the lion’s den immediately, but we can pray for God to close the mouth of the lions, and for Him to be our comfort.
Now, you may have never prayed before, but that’s okay! God doesn’t need fancy words, or a script, just a thought or a conversation to say “Hey God, I need your help today.”
In the words of VeggieTales, “God is bigger than the boogie man. He's bigger than Godzilla, or the monsters on TV. God is bigger than the boogie man and He's watching out for you and me.”