Principal's Post

Dear Families,

Having all students back for three days was sensational while at the same time quite hectic as we all negotiated our way throughout the school spaces in a COVID safe manner.


It is important not to become complacent regarding COVID safety measures. Please

 remember to keep your physical distance and wear a mask if you wish, especially when larger numbers gather at pick up times. These two things are proven to stop the spread of the virus. There are a number of schools where a COVID case has resulted in a deep clean of the school and certain classes and staff needing to isolate and get tested. The remainder of the school has been able to resume classes as usual. 


To assist us to provide a safer environment at pick up times at the top of the driveway (mostly green and gold house), here are some steps to follow:

  • Parents of Preps and Yr One students may come into the school property and wait on the grassed area, keeping a good distance between yourselves
  • Parents of Yr 2 - 6 students may keep waiting outside the property keeping a good distance between yourselves
  • Parents of Yr 2 - 6 students please make a plan with your child as to which side of the gate you will be and inform them that they may walk up or down the street to where you will be

Families using the Frank Street bottom gate (mainly blue house), please also make a plan with your children as to the direction you will be in to assist with movement and less gathering.

Likewise, families using the top carpark pedestrian gate (mainly red house), please also make a plan with your children as to the direction you will be in to assist with movement and less gathering.

Staffing News

Kath Verstraete has also decided to retire at the end of 2021. Kath has committed many, many years to Catholic Education and especially most recently to St James.

Kath's experience, wisdom and sense of humour will be missed next year. 

I thank Kath for all of her contributions to St James, particularly over the past four years.


Thank you to the 80 families who completed this survey. I do understand that there were some access issues for some families. We will publish the results either later this year or early next year. As previously said, this information is combined with student and staff perceptions to be used in our school review to be held in term one next year.

School Review 2022

Every four years each Catholic Primary School within the Archdiocese of Melbourne undergoes an internally facilitated and externally validated school review. We have been nominated to undergo our external validation mid to late Term One. This has resulted in us needing to commence the review process last term.  Apart from gathering opinions, academic data, perceptional data, school policies, procedures and curriculum documents. There are many compliance documents that need to be assembled.

Staff are required to gather and meet in a variety of teams to assess all that we do in the following five spheres: Learning and Teaching, Student Wellbeing, Religious Dimension, Community, Leadership and Management. We will be using time at the end of the year, staff meeting time and a closure day on Wednesday 23 February next year to facilitate this process.

Working Together in Mission

This new document invites us all to reflect on the essential foundations of what we are called to be in this new era of governance of Catholic Schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese. Our friend, Mark Reynolds is the Episcopal Vicar for Catholic Schools and launched this document recently for all stakeholders.

School Advisory Council

We have a few members moving on from our SAC due to either work commitments or their term being served. Anyone who is interested in joining our SAC which meets approximately twice a term is asked to email a brief letter of interest to myself, which I will share with Lisa Licciardi, our current Chair, by Friday 19 November.

Prep - Year 4 Swimming Program

Thanks to all who have committed to the program so far. Please do so by this Friday, so arrangements can be finalised. Please note that on Thursday 25 November, it will be a CLOTHED SWIM DAY, with a focus on water safety.

COVID Safety

As our students return in greater numbers this week, I want to reassure all families that we will continue our many COVID safe practices including the following:

  • all staff are fully vaccinated
  • ventilation is a priority with windows and doors open
  • hand sanitiser is readily available
  • regular hand washing is encouraged
  • students in Years 3 - 6 are instructed to wear masks and we encourage students in Prep - Yr 2 to wear them as well. Wearing masks has proven to stop the spread of the virus
  • social distancing remains a priority when possible
  • all visitors to the school grounds (including contractors, cleaners, external service providers, volunteers, parent helpers, etc) will need to be fully vaccinated
  • any students who display COVID symptoms are required to stay home and strongly advised to get a test
  • please contact the school office and myself as soon as you discover that a family member has been classified as a close contact. Students in this circumstance are required to get a test and isolate for at least 7 days and possibly a week, depending on the situation

Remembrance Day

This Thursday, we will gather at 11:00 to stop, remember and pray for the thousands of people who have been affected by war. All students are invited to bring along a flower from your garden to lay beneath the flag pole during the ceremony.


We have a representative group of Year 6 students attending the service at Halliday Park with Dave. They will be laying a wreath on behalf of our community.

Have you completed your family's Operoo info?

Please sign up to this today or you may find that you miss important information regarding students' extracurricular events and permission forms.


Operoo website: There is also a parent introduction page here:


  1. There is quite a bit of lost property that has accumulated over remote learning, along with many unnamed school jackets. Please remind your child to check the tubs if you are missing any items.
  2. Icy Poles are back for sale at Friday recess time - 50 cents each
  3. How are your parish raffle ticket sales going?
  4. All students should be wearing the correct summer uniform. We understand that some families have not been able to get to shoe shops recently so runners may need to be worn if shoes do not fit. All students not wearing the correct uniform must have a note/email from their parents to their class teacher

Have a great week,

