
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." 

Abraham Lincoln

Careers Information Update

Year 12 University Early Entry Offers


Congratulations to our many Year 12 students who have received early offers from various universities. Some students are still not sure about the acceptance process so below is a checklist:

1. You should accept as many offers as you have received.

2. You can't be forced to start any of them so it is ok to change your mind if you receive a preferred offer later on

3. You will make the final decision as to which course you wish to pursue after ATARs and offers come out in January.

4. If you wish to take a gap year and defer your course for 2022  you can do this but you need to accept it first. You usually apply to defer around the time you come to choose your subjects.

5. If you defer a course you can't take on any study during that year - if you do it will void the deferral.


University Early Offers Still Open for Applications

A reminder that ACU and Notre Dame Early Entry Applications are still open but are closing soon. Western Sydney Uni also has 2 more Rounds of offers in their True Rewards Scheme. Apply to as many as possible and make your final decision once ATARs are received in January.


ACU - applications close tomorrow, October 8. Here is the link to their application page 

Notre Dame - applications close tomorrow, October 8. Here is a link to their application page 


Western Sydney Uni - Rounds closing 28 November and 5 December. Here is a link to the application page


Extension of Educational Access Scheme (EAS) to include additional COVID-19 payments


The Educational Access Scheme (EAS) will be extended to include applicants in Year 12 whose parent/s and/or guardian/s have received the COVID-19 Disaster Payment, JobSaver payments or Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment (to care for a COVID-19 positive person) for a period of 3 months or more.


We encourage applicants to apply and upload documents to support these additional disadvantages under the category of Financial hardship, code FO1K. The wording in the application will be updated shortly. You can locate the documents that required are here.


UAC Upcoming Webinars


UAC Digital / Let's Chat – Alternative pathways to university Webinar 

14 October, 6:00 pm,

Pathway courses are for applicants who don't meet the minimum requirements for entry into a bachelor degree. Learn about certificate, diploma and preparation courses.

In this session, we'll be joined by a panel of admissions experts from various universities. We'll discuss:

– pathways you can take if you don't meet your dream course's selection criteria – the benefits of taking a pathway course– pathway course credits you can receive if you want to get into an undergraduate degree– which unis offer pathway courses.


UAC webinar: Applying for the Educational Access Scheme  

3 November, 6:00pm. 

The Educational Access Scheme can help students, who have experienced long-term disadvantages, get to university. We’ll show you how to apply, run through the application deadlines and give answers to the most commonly asked questions.


UAC webinar: The Schools Recommendation Scheme, Course Preferences and Offers  10 November, 6:00pm. 

 Applied for the Schools Recommendation Scheme? Learn about key dates, listing course preferences and what to do once you receive an offer .


UAC webinar: ATAR Release, Preferences and Offers  

1 December 6:00pm. 

We'll discuss how to manage course preferences to maximise your chances of an offer once you've received your ATAR, explain offer rounds and how to defer your offer, and give answers to the most commonly asked questions.


University of Sydney Upcoming  Webinars


University of Sydney - Architecture and the Built Environment Student Panel 

Wednesday 13 October 4:00-4:45pm. 

In this webinar, you will hear from some of our outstanding current students. Learn how they came to their built environment stream and what opportunities they've been able to take advantage of and enjoyed the most while studying here at Sydney.


University of Sydney - Double Degree Medicine and Dentistry Program 

Wednesday 20 October 4:00-4:45pm.  

Assessment Day is an important part of the application process. Join us for this webinar to learn about the invitation process, how attendance takes place and what you can expect to happen on the day and receiving your post-assessment results.


University of Sydney - Pathways to Medicine and Health for Indigenous Students 

Wednesday 27 October 4:00-4:5pm 

Join us at this webinar to learn about our facilitated pathways into the Doctor of Medicine including into the new Dubbo stream starting in 2022, into the Doctor of Dental Medicine and into the Bachelor of Oral Health. You can apply to any of our medicine and health degrees through the University of Sydney Gadigal program.


University of Sydney - Dual Degree with Sciences Po Closing Dates 

Sunday 31 October 

Travel abroad, immerse yourself in French culture, learn a new language and complete a dual degree. The closing date for Round 1 for students to apply directly to the University of Sydney, for this course, is Sunday the 31 October (recommended for Domestic Students).


The University of Sydney Elite Athletes and Performers and Future Leaders Schemes closing 

Closes 29 October 2021

If you are an athlete or performer and your rehearsal, training or competitive commitments have significantly impacted your Year 12 studies, this scheme allows you to receive adjustment factors to increase your selection rank when applying to the University. 


University of Sydney - Dissecting Science Student Panel

3 November 2021 4:00pm 

There's more than one path or career that you can pursue in Science. Join us to learn more about how you can pursue your passion in Science, which degree would work best for you and what requirements are needed. You will be able to ask questions to our panel of academics and staff.


Contact Me

If you require additional information or clarification to the details provided above please do not hesitate to contact me on or if you prefer I can also arrange either a phone call or zoom meeting.


Jennifer Nicolas

Careers Adviser


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