Learning & Innovation

“Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardour and attended with diligence.”  Abigail Adams

Learning and Innovation

Remote Learning  

As we continue with remote learning, it is important that students seek and engage with feedback from their teachers as they are best placed to guide them in their learning journey. I also encourage students to reach out to their teachers should they need further clarity or assistance with their learning. 


At the end of last term, our Year 11 students demonstrated great courage, determination and resilience as they completed their final assessments for Year 11 courses. I would like to congratulate our Year 11 students on their successful completion of a remote Assessment Block. They have much to be proud of as they have persevered to successfully complete their Year 11 learning journey during a global pandemic.  


As our Year 12 students approach their final Higher School Certificate examinations, I would like to encourage them to continue with their study and maintain the determination and resilience they displayed throughout remote learning in Term 3. I would also like to encourage our Year 12 students to engage with the plethora of resources that are available to them as they complete their HSC journey: 

PAT Testing 


During Week 1, all students in Year 7-9 will complete the Progressive Assessment Test (PAT) for Reading, Mathematics, Science and General Ability. The schedule for the testing is outlined below: 


Thursday 7 October

Friday 8 October

Year 7

Period 1 - Reading

Period 2 - AGAT

Period 3 - Science 

Period 3 - Maths 

Year 8

Period 1 - Science 

Period 1 - Reading

Period 4 - Maths

Period 3 - AGAT

Year 9

Period 1 - Maths

Period 1 - Reading

Period 3 - Science

Period 3 - AGAT

The PAT tests focus on assessing and monitoring student growth over time and are underpinned by an understanding that students of the same age and in the same year of school can be at very different points in their learning and development. The information gathered from these tests will enable us to tailor teaching to the needs of the individual learner to advance the progress of every student, regardless of their starting point. 


It is important to note that students do not need to prepare for any of the testing outlined above. 


Subject Selection - Stage 6 


Year 10 


Our Year 10 students will receive their subject choices early in the term. Once students receive their pattern of study, I encourage all Year 10 students to review the subjects they have received and their overall pattern of study for Stage 6. There will be some time to make changes and further details regarding this will be shared in the coming weeks. 


Year 11 


As Year 11 courses draw to a close, many students are looking towards Year 12 and making decisions regarding their pattern of study. If students are considering discontinuing a course, they must complete the Stage 6 Application to Change Course form and meet with the College Careers Advisor, Ms Nicolas to discuss the changes. It is also important to note that no change will be made until the Year 11 Final Report has been published. Please do not hesitate to contact me should there be any questions regarding the above. 


Elevate Education

Our partnership with Elevate Education will continue in Term 4. 


This term, Elevate Education will deliver a workshop titled, Study Sensei, to our Year 11 students. This workshop will break down study techniques of the top performers, provide students with a road map for what work they need to be doing across the year and how to do it. The skills that will be covered in the session are outlined below: 

Working ConsistentlyHow to use the syllabus to frame study and take effective notes consistently throughout the term.
Note TakingHow to structure and review and organise a set of notes that will facilitate effective learning.
Conceptual Learning SkillsTeaching students how to break information into relevant topics and understand how concepts fit together, as opposed to simply rote-learning the material.
Standing out on assessment How students can distinguish themselves from the thousands of other students being taught the same material. 

In addition to the workshop, Elevate will provide resources that will ensure the skills covered during the session will be continually developed and applied throughout Stage 6.


Accelerated Reader

As we continue with remote learning, our focus is to encourage more reading in Term 4. Research conducted by Renaissance Australia,  shows that reading for 20-30 minutes a day can have a dramatic effect on a child’s academic outcomes. Student use of the Accelerated Reader and MyON platforms, inclusive of regular reading and quizzing, supports emerging readers to improve their reading proficiency. 


During Term 4, Year 7 and 8 students will complete their STAR reading Assessment. The STAR reading assessment consists of comprehension, word recognition, vocabulary and interpretation based questions. The results from this assessment allow us to identify student progress in reading proficiency, according to reading age, and by extension, to tailor teaching and learning to our students. 


One book. That is all it takes to create a lifelong love of reading. With exposure to the premium content on these platforms, our students are one step closer to finding their passion for reading. 


If you have any questions regarding the Accelerated Reader program please do not hesitate to contact our Assistant Director of Learning, Eleonora Agazzi via email, eleonora.agazzi@syd.catholic.edu.au


Ms Natasha Fox                                                                 Ms Eleonora Agazzi

Director of Learning and Innovation (Acting)      Assistant Director of Learning (Acting)