Principal's Message

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

Dale Carnegie

Dear Brigidine Community,


Welcome to Term Four. 

I hope the term break afforded you and your family the opportunity to rest and enjoy some much-needed downtime. For your daughter(s), I hope she was able to step away from her studies and catch her breath, in the full knowledge that her efforts, determination and courage throughout Term 3 were greatly admired.  


In my end-of-Term Three message to students, I mentioned that despite how difficult it has been to navigate this new way of learning and finding ways to interact with each other, they did it. They made every opportunity count, and in becoming experts on Zoom and break-out rooms, along with their classwork and HSC Trials, they still managed to smile each morning for Pastoral Care. They are to be congratulated and I wanted them to know that the College is extremely proud of them. 


It is extremely exciting to know that all students will return to the College for face-to-face learning very soon. We continue to progress through the most difficult of times, and whilst elements have become clearer as we look to return to greater normalcy, there are still many aspects that need to be determined. 


I have recently communicated with you about the staggered return strategy and I ask for your patience and tolerance with this approach. While the State Government has made certain broad statements about the return to school policy, Sydney Catholic Schools has asked each Principal to make the relevant assessments of what may work best for their school. 


Brigidine College is space-poor, and to ensure we provide best opportunity to minimise the risk of exposure for our Year 12 girls until they commence the HSC, it has been necessary to hold the return of Years 7-10 for that further week. What I must try to best avoid as a matter of duty is to have a case of Covid-19 within the Year 12 cohort, or any year member for that matter, which may be the result of their return to school. In effect, should there be a positive Covid-19 case in any student member during the week before the HSC, and all students are on campus, all our Year 12 girls would then have to isolate for a minimum of 14 days. However, should something happen after the HSC commences within the general school body, the College will still be able to isolate the Year 12 girls from that threat through restricting them to the Hall and certain access and egress points.      

As we begin this term, I would like to take this opportunity to touch base with you at our “Term Four Parent catch-up” Zoom meetings.  This will also provide you with the opportunity, if needed, to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you and, if you are available to connect, please find your invitation below for your daughter’s specific year group:

Finally, I wish to assure you that all decisions made have been carefully considered and balanced against the risks associated with the return of all students and the HSC requirements. While I am excited to see the girls return ahead of the Christmas break, I ask again for your understanding of the delicate balance required to ensure we reduce the risk as much as possible for all. Please stay safe. As always my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and I remain positive that the worst of this pandemic is behind us.   


Sharyn Quirk
