News from SLC

Maths, Inquiry and Writing

During our maths topics this term we are having a go at some open ended questions as well as problem solving questions to expand our critical thinking, and to further our understanding of the topics we are learning about.


These types of problems are sometimes very hard to solve as it is not a simple equation and answer. These problems prompt students to use a range of different methods and strategies to even begin solving a problem.


 If this sounds like a fun to you well you are in luck! SLC has challenged you to solve two of the problems we have been solving in class which are related to the topic of time. Some solutions have been provided in the pictures. There may be other ways to solve this. Have fun problem solving!

Problem 1: What different words do you know for parts of the day? On a timeline, mark the range of times that those words can apply to.


Problem 2: Grandma’s clock is so old it uses a key to wind it up to keep time. Unfortunately, the clock spring has stretched over time and it now loses six minutes every hour. When I last visited grandma I set it to the correct time of 10:30am. What time will it show on Grandma's clock if the real time is 3pm.

As we are getting ready to start planning our business for this Term's Inquiry unit, we have been going through the language of business and some tricky words like investment and market research. We have been discussing what the words mean, so if they come up in our unit we will know what they mean. We are also looking at needs vs wants and how this plays a part in business. We also have discussed what we are looking forward to in this unit and you can feel the excitement in the air especially when all they want to do is Inquiry. Keep following along with the SLC business this term as they are excited to show you what they will be working on. 


In writing, SLC have been using a lot of descriptive language. This is our focus for our narratives on the topics of “Secret and Mystery.” The students have been describing the characters, setting and the 5 senses very well throughout their stories. We have also been looking into how different movies/TV shows and books use descriptive language to make their stories exciting. We learnt it can hook a reader into the story, it can build suspense throughout the problems of the story and it can be used to further character development. Please enjoy Emily's narrative over on the Student Voice page.


Kind regards,


Mr Jack Cirillo

SLC Classroom Teacher