Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, 


It is so wonderful to have all the children back at school onsite. We had forgotten how loud they can be but it is lovely to hear the laughter and see the smiles on their faces. 


Now that lockdown has ended, we have a number of activities planned so it will be a busy run home to the end of the year. Please refer to the recent Skoolbag notices I have sent and/or the Dates to Remember section of this Newsletter. 



In developing the marketing strategies to promote our school, I work closely with Richard Mills of Digital Schools and Rachel Saliba of Practically Learning.


Our School website is continually being updated with new content and photos to ensure it is always relevant as to what we offer here at St Bridget's, as well as engaging for those who visit it. New content has been added in terms of our Early Intervention and Gifted Programs which are used as landing pages for the Facebook and Instagram advertisements we have running.  


Also, the Upschool tab on our website is a great resource for parents to use at home in supporting their child's learning. Here is an example of what's available on Upschool.


Community Loyalty Program

Over the last couple of years we have been part of the Community Loyalty Program at Viva La Fruit, a local green grocer located at the Greythorn Village on Doncaster Road. 

Receipts from purchases made are placed in our box by shoppers and 10% of the total of these receipts are donated to our school at the end of each year.


This is a great opportunity for us to work with a local business, to promote our school and to generate additional funds for the benefit of our students' learning. 


I encourage you to shop at Viva La Fruit so that you too can be part of this great initiative. Refer the link below to check out their recent post on Instagram.


Kind regards


Robyn Thomson
