
Dear Parents and Carers, 


As we come to the end of Term 3, I’d like to acknowledge the optimism, resilience, and work of the whole Caulfield Junior College community.


These are incredibly challenging times but we have all come together as a school and are standing strong. 


I want to thank all the parents who have reached out for support when they have needed it. It has been a pleasure to see and work with so many of your children online and also to talk to many families. 


Even though we don’t know how Term 4 will look yet, I do know that we will continue to support your family in any way we can and we look forward to that day we will see you all again in person. 


These holidays are a time for families to enjoy together, for students to be able to get off the screens and spend time in the outdoors and playing. Here are a few suggestions for holiday activities-  




Meditation- www.peacefulkids.com.au


Playing at the park

Cubby house building

Chalk drawings in driveways/footpaths 

Creating your own board game 


The following activities do require screen time but they are very interactive and look great!!


Free Kids' Cooking Workshops - What's On (melbourne.vic.gov.au)


Concoct with Your Imagination - What's On (melbourne.vic.gov.au) 


I wish you all a very safe, enjoyable and restful break. 


Kind regards, 


Shauna Sanderson

Wellbeing Coordinator