GMDSSV Swimming Carnival

GMDSSV Swimming Carnival
On Friday 1st March, 47 Wanganui Park Secondary College students competed at the Goulburn Murray District Swimming Championships at Aquamoves, Shepparton. After a great day of competitive swimming and friendly competition, WPSC came runners up in the Men’s, Women’s and Overall Aggregate divisions. Well done to all swimmers who represented the school and congratulations to the following students who took out the Age Group Champions for their age:
16 Years Female Champion- Skye Swift
17 Years Male Champion- Ryley Symes
20 Years Female Champion- Mia Earl
20 Years Male Champion- Brody Wild
We would also like to wish the best of luck to all competitors who will be moving onto the Hume Region Championships in Wangaratta on Tuesday, March 15th.