What does it mean to be a cybersafe person?
What does it mean to be a cybersafe person? It means that you are aware of safe and responsible use of information and communication online. Whilst there are many benefits to the advancements of technology such as the connection that you can have with different people around the world (family, friends) and positive innovation that can help so many in a variety of fields; the SACC Wellbeing team would like to encourage cybersafe conversations at school and at home and endorse cybersafe behaviour. There are many resources available to support parents and carers. The SACC Wellbeing team is available for any follow up conversations if needed and can be contacted on the email address: wellbeing@standrews.vic.edu.au
For more Parent/carer support resources, see the following links:
Helpful resources (. vic.gov.au)
Parents | eSafety education Commissioner
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Head of Wellbeing
Pulse Check-ins
Our Secondary students continue to take their ‘wellbeing pulse’ weekly as a means of developing the habit of self-care and to ask for direct help from our team of Homeroom teachers, Year Level Coordinators, and the Wellbeing team. It is wonderful to see improvement in the way students feel safe, valued, connected to others and how they are joining in and developing a more positive sense of identity. This dynamic data helps us to plan for and provide help to students, equipping them with opportunities to develop greater mental health awareness and resilience.
Thank you, parents, for your continued support of our Wellbeing & Pastoral program at St Andrews Christian College.
Marina Heading
Secondary Wellbeing Coordinator
Student Safety
Students and Parents can contact the Student Safety Officer with any Student Safety concerns by accessing the following links on the HUB:
The policy on Student Safety is found on the St Andrews Christian College website for parents to access. Additionally, we have Student Safety Champions who work to support the Student Safety Officer to embed a culture of student safety. All students have been notified of who these staff are and where to access the email address and contact the Student Safety Officer, if needed.
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Student Safety Officer