VCE Formal
On the 10th of June, the VCE students celebrated their first, and for some last, VCE formal at Wattle Park Chalet. It was a night filled with dancing, singing, smiles and yummy food.
On behalf of everyone, I’d like to thank Ms Kirk, Lesley Goh, teachers, and the student formal committee (Sam Sires, Caleb Jackson, Chaz Zeng, Wesley Forward and Sophia Tran), who all contributed to making this special night happen.
These people dedicated so much of their time in order to ensure the night ran smoothly.
Thank you also to all the students and teachers who attended and made the night such a memorable experience for everyone. It was great to see students and teachers having so much fun, especially after the difficult years we've had.
Kiriaki Katsigiannis
Year 12 Student
Formal was amazing, it was a night full of community, laughing, dancing and overall enjoyment. A chance to forget about the stress of school and enjoy a night of dressing up, laughing and dancing with friends. Big thanks to Wattle park chalet for an amazing night with incredible food, great music and an overall enjoyable atmosphere.
Wesley Forward
Year 11 Student
St Andrews Christian College students awarded Premier’s VCE Awards
It was such a privilege to be at the VCE Award Ceremony and support 2 amazing students who were awarded the Premier’s VCE Award in their subject area.
Congratulations toIsabelle Baxter and Andrea Chai who both received their awards in a special ceremony at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 20 July.
Isabelle received her award for Further Mathematics and Andrea for Psychology.
Their parents, families, teachers and school community are so proud of their achievements. Well done girls!
A special thanks to their supportive families and their outstanding teachers who continually go beyond and above in their teaching, support and care of all their students. Andrea and Isabelle have not just achieved high results academically, but they are fine young women, with outstanding personal qualities, leadership attributes, values and faith. It is these qualities, not their high score VCE, that will contribute to their success in life and being able to live an abundant life in the valleys and the mountain tops.
Catriona Wansbrough
Year 8 Science
One of the highlights of Year 8 Science each year is the opportunity to study the circulatory system through dissection of a sheep heart. This week the 2022 Year 8 classes had their first dissection experience. The students identified the four chambers, found the valves that separate the ventricles from the atria, compared the thickness of chamber walls and probed the various arteries and veins. So much to learn and so much fun!
Greg Crotty
Head of Science
Secondary Chinese
Recently, secondary students from Year 9-10 on behalf of St Andrews Christian College participated Victorian High School Chinese Debate Championship. Since the competition was established in 2016, more than 60 Victorian secondary schools, and over 400 students joined. Contestants will be trained and supported by coaches from Melbourne University, Monash University, Deakin University and RMIT University. Let us pray for our students that they will enjoy the competition itself and have a great bond with other schools. We are proud of your effort, Junxiao Xiang, Hannah Weng, Eileen Zheng ,Emily He and Jonathan Chen!
Nikki Miao
Secondary Chinese teacher