Year 3 Assembly
On Friday, 29th July, our wonderfully talented year 3 students joined together to present an amazing assembly to the rest of the primary school and parents.
Our theme was showing love and kindness to others by ‘filling their bucket’. This was based on the book, “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud.
Her book explains that everyone carries an invisible bucket around with them. When people do kind and loving things for us, it fills our bucket a little more. When we do kind and loving things to others, it not only fills their bucket, but fills our own as well! When we don’t do nice things, it drains both others’ and our own buckets.
The children both read and acted out pages from the book to help convey the message across to the audience.
After that, they sang a song that goes along with the book called, “Fill your bucket.” Then followed that with another song about the fruits of the spirit and using these to help fill buckets.
The children all performed brilliantly and their teachers were very proud of their efforts!
Tim Farmilo
Acting Head of Primary School
Prep Zoo excursion
On Friday 5th August the Preps rugged up and headed off to Werribee Zoo for an amazing day of fun learning. Upon our arrival we quickly ate our morning tea before heading into our Zoo education class - Habitat Heroes. We learnt how living things grow, change and survive in nature. We had lots of fun exploring different habitats that animals live in. We had a quick lunch break before we headed off on a Safari Bus tour of the zoo where we got to see some amazing African animals roam the Open Range Zoo. There were many sounds of enjoyment as we passed the big, tall Giraffes and trotting Zebras and Hippos. Before we jumped on the bus to come home, we walked around the zoo and saw some of our favourite animals, scary lions, grumpy gorillas and playful hyena’s. We are continually amazed at all the beautiful animals that God created that live throughout the world.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
Year 1J
The Year 1s have really enjoyed reading Bible stories with their Year 11 Buddies this year. The Year 11s began reading the stories to the Year 1s but as the year has progressed it has been exciting to see how many Year 1s are now reading the stories to the year 11s. Thank you Year 11s!
Gaye Jones
Year 1J Teacher
Year 1N
Can you name the first 12 disciples that Jesus had?
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, Simon, Thaddaeus and Judas.
In Bible, the Year 1’s have been trying to remember all of Jesus’ disciples. We have learnt that if we love Jesus and follow Him then we are also His disciples! But it doesn’t just stop there, because we need to keep passing on the Good News of Jesus and invite people into the ‘disciple-ship’.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Natalie Nheu
Year 1N Teacher
Year 2
In Health, the Year 2’s have been busy learning about different emotions and how they react to different things. They participated in the “Marshmallow Challenge” which some children found really challenging not to eat the marshmallow sitting in front of them. We discussed being tempted, having self-control and the emotions associated with this experience. In Science, we discussed materials and properties and why certain materials are used for certain things depending on their purpose. We discussed what materials need to be transparent, waterproof, flexible and strong. The children had some interesting ideas and opinions during our discussions.
Jennifer Steele
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3 Excursion
Our visit to iMax and the Melbourne Museum was amazing. Here are some thoughts:
Charlotte T – “I really liked the 3D movie about space and the spiders’ webs at the Bugs section in the Museum”
Lundy – "The best was the dinosaurs!”
Johanna – “I liked seeing the body of the fastest horse.“ (Phar Lap) “Oh, and the 3D glasses. “
Sophie – “I enjoyed listening to music on the old radio and watching an old movie in the old movie theatre.”
Anthea Albertus
Year 3 Teacher
The topic for Year 4 Science this term is Weathering & Erosion and one of the first things the students learned in the unit is there are 3 types of rock - Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic.
Jonathan Edwards (Mrs Edwards’ son) is a past student of St Andrews who recently completed his bachelor’s degree in Biology, studying at Monash University. He visited and did a wonderful presentation on rocks with each Year 4 class today. Jonathan brought in some of his own rock collection, including fossils and minerals, to show the students and he shared many interesting facts about rocks. He also talked about why we should study science and the earth.
Our students were involved in learning activities including examining and handling various rocks and attempting to categorise them. The students were very attentive, engaged and asked some impressive questions.
Paige Cheung & Joanne Edwards
Year 4 Teachers
Hello from Year 5!
We have been busy with a focus on Measurement, volume, and capacity. 5L Maths have been investigating capacity and how scales and scaled objects matter when measuring.
The Grade 5s were busy with their cooking of oatmeal cookies and explored converting between units of measurement and accurately measuring their ingredients. They enjoyed the fruits of their labour but weren’t so thrilled by the ‘teacher tax’!
Natalie Low
Year 5 Teacher
6L Students are up to their usual antics!
The pictures and videos say it all! 6L students have taken a deep dive into Term 3. They have returned to school ready to learn and are up for a lot of fun along the way. Here are some photos of our buddies session, a Math conundrum, an art wall of this term's novel 'Parvana', a video snapshot of the fun blindfolded activity in Girls Health lesson and a Humanities activity whereby students were acting out some earthquake scenarios.
Please also pay special attention to 6L's 'practise' and 'practice' sentence that we were quite proud to show you all today!
Keep shining!
Mrs Lepileo
Primary School Teacher - Year 6