Enrolments for 2023
We have commenced our planning for 2023 and confirming places for new students to start in Term 1, 2023. Unless we have been advised, we are assuming that all current students will be returning to the College in 2023.
If a student is not returning to the College, in line with the enrolment policy, one term’s notice in writing is required. If the notice is not received on time, one term’s tuition fees in lieu of notice will be charged. This requirement is clearly noted in the Enrolment Agreement Form which all parents/guardians signed when their child(ren) was enrolled.
To assist our planning please advise the College by Friday 16th September 2022 if a student is not returning to the College in 2023. The notice should be addressed to the College Registrar and can be sent via email to It will be helpful to receive this notice as soon as possible as it will allow us to offer any vacant places to students on our waiting lists.
If there are siblings of current students wanting to enrol at the College, it is important that parents submit an Application for Admission two years prior to the planned year of entry. This allows the College to provide a priority place for siblings of current students. Siblings are not guaranteed a place if the Application for Admission is late. Late applicants will be placed onto the waiting list.
Please do not hesitate to speak with the Registrar, Mrs Suzy Song (8847 8309) if you have any concerns regarding this information or if you need clarification in any way.
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Anaphylaxis Awareness
Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening. Anaphylaxis is a whole-of-community responsibility. It is imperative, therefore, that as far as practicable, the College should be a safe and supportive environment in which students at risk of anaphylaxis can participate equally in all aspects of the student’s schooling.
The key to prevention of anaphylaxis at the College is knowledge of those students who have been diagnosed at risk, awareness of triggers (allergens), and prevention of exposure to these triggers. Partnerships between the College and parents are important in ensuring that certain foods or items are kept away from the student while at the College.
The College has recently reviewed the Anaphylaxis Management Policy and you will find this on The Hub, or simply click HERE.
Here is some interesting information on Anaphylaxis and how we as a school community manage, comply and reduce the risk of an anaphylactic reaction:
Cheryl Pajor
Commissioning Denise
We say goodbye to Denise Ottosson who has been with us at St Andrews for the past seven years. Denise has been called along with her husband by God to the mission field in North Africa. We pray for both of them and the family they leave behind as they both embark on this calling to build up our brothers and sisters in this land.
Prayer lays hold of God's plan and becomes the link between his will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit's prayer.
- Elizabeth Elliot
We cannot do this journey alone. We are dependent on God's people to commit themselves to pray. We need faithful, committed intercessors to join with us because we know that by prayer, the work will be done in His strength and God will display His Glory in unexpected ways.
- Denise
Suzy Song
Sustainability & Garden Club
At the beginning of this term, half of the Sustainability Team accompanied by some volunteers from Secondary travelled to Knox Environmental Society to learn about local native plants and propagation. By working together, students learned how to take cuttings as well as transplant seedlings, repotting them before they are sold or planted in the local area.
If anyone would like to learn more or purchase local native plants, please visit Knox Environmental Society who are especially helpful and can answer all your questions.
The garden is flourishing with winter vegetables - broccoli, kale, silver beet, lettuce and peas are producing bountifully. Don’t forget to bring a gold coin and come down to the veggie patch Wednesday lunchtimes to buy some delicious greens.
Mrs Wheelton
Sustainability & Garden Club Coordinator
SACC Netball
We are thrilled to announce that U13 Diamonds and U15 Vipers have Made it to Finals!
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser
The Netball Club held a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser in July, to raise some much needed funds for our Club. We thank all parents who contributed their time to help out in the stall and donated drinks as well as those families that came to buy sausages. We raised a profit of $1500!!
Big CONGRATULATIONS to Caitlyn Smith! Caitlyn was awarded the National C Badge for Umpiring. Please speak to the Netball Committee if you are interested in umpiring and would like more information.
2022 Spring Season Starting soon
Spring Season will commence early September. If you have not registered your child yet, please speak to any member of the Netball Committee to check if any spots are available.
St Andrews Netball Club