VPRC - Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Year 7 and Year 8 students have been working hard to complete the VPRC. The students have read a total of 593 books so far. Four students have read over twenty books so far this year and one student has read over thirty. Fantastic effort!!
Students have until early September to meet the challenge by reading fifteen books.
Lynne Marks
Head of Library
Year 2H Library
For the past two weeks, Year 2H has been looking at books on recycling and sustainability and learning where to find them in the Junior Library.
As a result of listening to the books A Bag and a Bird by Pamela Allen and One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul, some students have designed posters encouraging others to recycle and dispose of litter thoughtfully. These posters have been put up near the café and outside both libraries.
Before reading One Plastic Bag, the class also learned a little about The Gambia and even practised how to say hello and goodbye in the local language (Wolof).
Lynne Marks
Head of Library