From the Principal


It is always an exciting day on the College calendar when we gather as a school community to give thanks for the opportunities that we have been afforded. It is also a special day to acknowledge our Founders; Pope John XXIII, Ignatius of Loyola and Mary Ward.


One of the most striking images of St Ignatius represents him leaning forward as if into a strong wind with one foot raised. Our College sculptures of both Ignatius of Loyola and Mary Ward reflect the image of pilgrims on the move. One letter from Ignatius says that a Jesuit is one who is to live ‘always with one foot raised, ready to hasten from one place to another, in accordance with our vocation and our Institute.’ It was also a theme we utilised at this year’s staff conference as we told our own stories of ‘people on the move’.


The feast day of St Ignatius last weekend also marked the end of the Ignatian year – a special year of celebrating the wounding in battle and convalescence that led to Ignatius’ personal conversion and to the founding of the Jesuits. After his leg healed, Ignatius began his pilgrim years walking through Spain on a journey with many diversions, but with his heart fixed on accepting where God was leading him, that took him finally to Rome. 


Last weekend, I spent some time with Council Chair, Dr Courtenay Harris, in Brisbane for a meeting of Loreto Chairs and Principals. The Loreto value of freedom was discussed. In 2022, freedom from COVID restrictions is very real and freedom from war very pertinent in many parts of the work. The image of walking is an image of freedom; a bid to create a better world.


Freedom from anxiety is also significant in 2022 as society develops a greater awareness of wellbeing and mental health considerations.


The image of the one foot raised suggests an urgency in our commitment to our fellow human beings that shapes our hearts and what we seek in our daily lives at John XXIII College and beyond. Happy John XXIII Day!


Robert Henderson
