Around the School

Potato Wedges

On Wednesday in Environmental Science, Mrs. Murray and her band of helpers work with the children to harvest the potatoes being grown in the St Joseph's vegetable garden; all the while learning about sustainability and healthy eating. The potatoes were diligently cut up by the students in years 3-6 and baked in the oven to make delicious potato wedges/ "King Island Spuds".


We would like to send a big thank you to Kelly, Trish, Jo and Sarah who cooked the "King Edward Spuds" on Wednesday for the children to enjoy after school.


All the money raised will be donated to the Dolphin Research Institute. 

Around the Classrooms

Throughout the year we look forward to bringing you updates from around the classrooms at St Joseph's in the iNewsletter. In addition to this fabulous window into your child's class, we will be posting to Seesaw Family from mid-term 1 - so lookout for more information on how to join in the coming weeks.