Clyde Road News

Clyde Road Restrictions, Congestion, and the Crossing Removal Program
The Crossing Removal program is in full swing now and the impact on traffic on Clyde Rd (coupled with increased traffic due to less people using public transport) has resulted in significant congestion, delays and difficulty accessing Nossal, particularly from the Berwick main street direction. My best advice is to not drive to Nossal unless necessary; to use the train or other means of transport if possible; or to expect and plan for delays and frustration. The works will continue until this time next year and the traffic restrictions will become worse. Unfortunately, the road infrastructure from Cranbourne to Berwick along Clyde Road is unable to cope with the volume of traffic coming from the new housing developments already and as more houses are built, and more people move to the area this is only going to get worse.
Please refer to the Crossing Authority website for regular updates about the works and restrictions on vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area and the impact on train and bus services on the Pakenham line.
Hard copies of their monthly update pamphlets are also available in the school foyer.
Please contact me if you have any concerns with traffic management on the University site – we are monitoring it closely and working with the Crossing Removal team to ensure that our students are safe at all times, but we are seeing an increase in the numbers of parents driving their children to school and increased numbers of vehicles cutting through the university grounds to avoid the Kangan Drive intersection. Dropping your children in the university carpark or outside the grounds may be a less frustrating alternative to driving right into the school drop off zones at peak times.
Roger Page