School News

Students Departing St Mary’s At The End Of This Term

While we have had many new families seeking enrolment for 2021, we have letters from families who are moving and will not be returning to St Mary’s next year.  We would like to thank these families for their support and wish those students every blessing for the future. The process for all students departing from the school is:


• Parents/carers advise the principal in writing of the date that their daughter/son is leaving and provide the name of their new school and their new residential address.  Please note this is a legal requirement. 

• Complete the Student Exit Form.

• Parents/carers pay any outstanding balance on school or other fees and arrange the return of school resources such as library books, home readers.


If your child will not be returning to St Mary's in 2021 and you have not yet informed the school please contact the school office so we can send the appropriate documentation to you. 

Canteen News

A reminder that the canteen is still cashless. Students wishing to buy drinks and icy poles at lunch time need to order these on the QkR app prior to 9.30am each morning. Thank you for your understanding.


As we are approaching the school holidays, the Canteen is running down their stock items.  Mrs Kratz and Mrs Symons will endeavour to fill all orders, but some items may be unavailable.


Jodie and Sonja would like to thank everyone for supporting our school canteen throughout the year. 

Drink Bottles

With the warm weather it is important for students to bring their drink bottles each day as the bubblers are not in use due to COVID.

Parking Signs at St Mary's

Council have made changes to the parking signs during the school holidays around our school in particular Jessie Street signs in relation to the bus zone. We ask that you observe these changes as fines and lose of demerit points can occur.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Students in Sick Bay

In the current climate, if your child presents at sick bay complaining of feeling sick, we are required to call parents to collect their children. Likewise, if your child has a cough, sore throat, runny nose or other illness, please keep them at home and do not send them to school. As per NSW Health guidelines, if your child has any cold or flu like symptoms symptoms, please have them COVID tested.  A negative test result needs to be provided to the school and the child needs to be symptom-free prior to their return. Thank you for your co-operation. 

School Office Hours

The school office will be open on Thursday, 17 December and Friday, 18 December from 8 am to 4 pm.  At the start of next year the office will be open on Wednesday, 27 January and Thursday, 28 January 2021 from 8 am to 4 pm.