From the Principal Class Team

Tutoring Program

In response to interrupted learning in 2020 due to Covid-19, the State government has announced a large injection of funding to support the roll out of a tutoring program in 2021. We have been able to employ 11 Literacy and Numeracy tutors who will work with students from Years 7 to 10 specifically, with some VCE tutoring as well. 


Years 7 to 10 students will work with the tutors for 3 periods per week in very small groups during class time. Students will be withdrawn from a range of subjects. Teachers will take this into account when scheduling assessments, and work with students regarding work missed. Selected students have been given a letter to give to parents/guardians explaining the program. 


We think this program will be very beneficial for students to help improve their learning outcomes. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Sub School Leader if you have any questions.


COVID Safety

  • We have stressed to students the importance of good hygiene practices - hand washing and use of sanitiser, coughing or sneezing into their elbow, and staying home if they are unwell.
  • Masks are to be worn in classrooms and corridors. Please make sure your child has a mask with them each day.
  • Extra cleaning continues to be provided each day across the school.

Student drop off and pick up

  • The school carpark is for staff only. Parents are asked not to drive in to drop off students, and to park outside if they have an appointment.
  • Please avoid waiting close to the exit gates for your child after school. We want to avoid crowding - for everyone's safety.
  • Please check the council parking signs at the front of the school very carefully. the fine if $165 for stopping at the front of the school. Police will be patrolling U-turns and double parking, as well.



  • All students should be in full uniform by now, unless there are exceptional circumstances that have been discussed with the Year Level Coordinator.
  • If this is not the case and your child is not in the correct uniform, you will be contacted and your child will be sent home to change.



  • Classes begin at 8:55am and students should be at school no later than 8:45am to go to their lockers.
  • We expect and appreciate your support in ensuring that your child is ready for learning at that time. if you need help to reinforce this with your child, please talk with their Year Level Coordinator who will be able to assist you.

and finally...

If you have any concerns at all about how your daughter or son is settling back into school this year, please make sure you contact the Sub School, or the Wellbeing Team. There are people who are able to help with any issue at all.


Thank you for all you have done to make sure that your child is well prepared for school this year. We greatly appreciate your support.


Principal - Ms Kerrie Dowsley
Assistant Principal - Mr Craig Jennings
Assistant Principal - Ms Tracey D'Elton
Assistant Principal - Mr John Coulson
Principal - Ms Kerrie Dowsley
Assistant Principal - Mr Craig Jennings
Assistant Principal - Ms Tracey D'Elton
Assistant Principal - Mr John Coulson