Community News 

World Teacher's Day

We had World Teacher's Day on 4 October! We would like to thank our wonderful teaching staff who have given so much support, kindness and patience throughout the past year, under very trying circumstances. You are truly appreciated!

Extend newsletter - October edition 

Extend After School Care has just released its informative monthly publication, 'The Link - Community Hub', which provides interesting articles, reviews and ideas for our community to read and share. 


This edition's newsletter contains parenting tips, book reviews, health information, recipes for families to make at home, and much more. 


Find the full edition of the newsletter here: The Link - Community Hub October 2021


School TV - Transitioning back 

As we get closer to the end of lockdown, some children will be excited at the prospect of restrictions being lifted, while others may be feeling mixed emotions. 


Reactions will differ depending on how well they cope with stress and change. Keeping a check on your child’s mental health and wellbeing as they adjust to new routines, will be vitally important.


In this Special SchoolTV Report, you will find a few ideas about how to help ease this time of transition.


If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the School for further information or seek medical or professional help. 

Lachie's Walk

As part of the Class of 2021’s Valedictory week, we held a modified version of Lachie’s Walk.

We walked to the treehouse with some signs supporting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and enjoyed individually packaged biscuits made by the Kilvington Cares community. 


Some members of the community took the time to walk alone and to hold Lachie, his family and friends in their thoughts. Our message to the class of 2021 is that they are all superstars and Lachie will always be in our hearts.


People are welcome to make a small donation to the JDRF via this link.


Thank you for your ongoing support of our community service initiatives.