Junior School

Parent Information Sessions

The Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information online sessions held last night were very well attended. Thank you to all who prioritised this time to get the most out of their son’s time in the Junior School this year.


A key practical point we emphasised was how important the Student Diary is for a multitude of reasons. I am sure by now you have all read and signed the necessary pages in the front section of the diary. I hope you have also read and had a conversation about your son’s goals for Semester 1. This is an important process that takes on added importance when your son knows that you know and care about what he is trying to achieve.


You will today receive via email a curriculum overview and welcome note from your son’s class teacher. While last night’s sessions provided information about your son’s grade level, these notes focus on his particular class. Please feel confident and welcome to contact his class teacher if you have any questions about these documents. If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call on 8705 9247 or email me via ben.munday@spc.nsw.edu.au

Year 5 Belonging Day – Thursday 18 February

This important annual event is the Year 5 students’ first step on an eight-year journey of formation events such as retreats and reflection days. We will explore aspects of our own lives and stories, connecting with new peers and reflecting on our place in the SPC community. We will also begin to explore the story of Blessed Edmund Rice, which is a crucial element of a boy’s induction into the life and charism of the College. I ask for your prayers as the boys take part in Belonging Day next Thursday. Specific details of the event will be sent in a note to Year 5 parents.

Junior School Family Dinner Postponed

The annual P&F Junior School Family Dinner will not be able to take place as planned. We hope it may be possible to reschedule the event at some point this year when restrictions ease, however we don’t know whether this will actually happen. The P&F have therefore regretfully postponed the dinner indefinitely.


Nevertheless, I would like to acknowledge and thank the wonderful members of the P&F Association for their terrific contribution to the school community, improving facilities for students through their financial support and welcoming families and visitors with their famous hospitality. What an important contribution they make to the College community!


Ben Munday

Director of Junior School