COVID Update
COVID Update
COVIDSafe Behaviours
Key behaviours required for reducing coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission risk include staying home when unwell, performing regular hand hygiene, and where possible pursuing strategies to support physical distancing.
Face masks are recommended when 1.5m physical distancing cannot be maintained.
The College will integrate these messages into everyday learning and practice, through role-modelling and formal and informal learning opportunities. Students and staff should continue to be vigilant and remain home if unwell.
Further information can be found on the Department of Education Website.
Hand hygiene remains one of the critical measures to reduce coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission. Hands should be cleaned with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser or washed with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Students are encouraged to cough or sneeze into their elbow or a tissue.
Physical distancing will be encouraged where possible and density limits implemented in office spaces and areas generally accessed by the public, such as reception. Congestion within the school and at entry points will be avoided where feasible by adjusting drop-off and pick-up processes, signage and one-way flow of individuals in more confined spaces such as locker bays and the canteen.
Stay home when unwell
The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), is to ensure that any unwell students remain at home and get tested, even with the mildest of symptoms.
Practice good hygiene
All staff, students and visitors to schools should undertake regular hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet.
Sharing of food is not recommended.
Use non-contact greetings (not shaking hands, hugging or kissing).
Face masks in schools
As per the directions of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the following actions are mandatory.
Face masks are recommended for use by staff and students when physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be maintained. A face mask must cover the nose and mouth. Face shields, scarves or bandanas do not meet these requirements.
Face masks and hot weather
It is important to follow the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s directions on wearing face masks, and there are steps that can be taken to improve comfort during warmer weather: