PFA News


If you want to help with

  • PFA events
  • School Banking
  • Book Club  
  • Breakfast Club

You need to supply the office with a copy of your Working with Children’s Card and sign the Schools Code of Conduct form.

If you have questions or would like to join out the PFA please email

Easter Raffle

Thursday 19th of March is the last chance to get your raffle tickets in.  

The raffle will be drawn on Monday 23rd of March in the office since there is no assembly. 

There are extra tickets books at the office, if you did not receive one or would like more. 

Tickets are $1 each. 

1st prize:   $100 worth of Cadbury Easter Chocolates

2st prize      $50 worth of Cadbury Easter Chocolates

3rd prize:     $30 worth of Cadbury Easter Chocolates

The  Easter Bunny will still be visiting grades Prep to 2 while grades 3 to 6 will get an Easter egg treat. 

PJ –Free Dress Day 

Thursday 26th of March

Come dressed in your PJ’s on Thursday 26th of  March for a Gold Coin Donation.   

Fundraising will go towards a revamp of the 5/6 area.

More details will come out via compass.

Book Club

At this stage the latest order won’t be delivered until next Term.   When it arrives our parent volunteers will get it out as soon as we can.  

Thank you for your patience.

School Banking

 School Banking has been temporarily paused from 20 March 2020. Please do not  bring your deposit book to school,  we will notify you when banking will recommence.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club will still be having a session on Friday 27th of March.  If  there are any changes to this we  will notify you via compass.