Principal Report


Writing on behalf of the principal class staff members at Oatlands we are often asked questions as to what makes our school so good.


At a recent meeting Mr Holloway, Mr Kenny, Miss Morgan and I were asked that exact question. Our collective response was that at Oatlands we are a values based school where we all care about each other (students, parents and staff).


For those that come to assemblies on a Monday morning know that I introduce a staff member each week that presents the VGK and weekly value. Every year we start with the value RESPECT.


Considering the current climate effecting the world but in particular supermarkets, hoarding and the inappropriate behaviour of people, I thought it would be a suitable time to touch on the value of Respect.

In a school context.

What is it?

Being respectful is an attitude of caring and treating each other with dignity. It is speaking to and dealing with others in a courteous manner.

Respect encompasses honouring the rules of your family or school. This helps to create a more peaceful and pleasant environment to be in.

Why practise it?

Being respectful makes people feel valued. We need to respect the laws of society, otherwise there will be chaos. There are also rules in the classroom to help keep us safe and provide a sense of order.

Without respect, people would speak rudely to others and behave as if they didn’t matter. When you treat yourself with self-respect, others respect you too.

How to practise it

Think about how you would like to be treated then treat other people that way. How would you like people to speak to you, treat your belongings and act towards you?

I feel that we can all contribute and do our little bit helping us back on the right track and consider others more.

Let’s get back to a tragic time earlier this year, where we came together donating money, clothing, food, shelter and time to the Bush fire Relief.