Principal's Update

As another year draws to a close, despite it being a year that has been filled with challenge, we have so much to be proud of and grateful for, both as individuals and as a College community.  As I have said before, our College motto, Strength and Kindliness, has guided us through these very uncertain and challenging times.  The support and encouragement given by staff, students and parents to one another throughout 2020 has been overwhelming and speaks volumes about our wonderful College community. Every student and staff member should feel incredibly proud of the way in which we navigated these very uncertain times together.


It was wonderful to be able to welcome some of our Year 7, 2021 students onsite recently – our first visitors to the College for many months.  We look forward to welcoming the entire cohort to the College for their Orientation Day on Monday 7 December, a significant step in their transition from primary to secondary school.


We also look forward to the many activities, events and celebrations that will be a feature of the final week for students in Year 7-11 next week. These include our end of year College Assembly and celebration of Mass, Celebration of Achievement Evening and various year level activities.  A number of special activities are being planned for the girls, given the impact of COVID on their year and we hope that they enjoy these opportunities to conclude their year with some light hearted and social events. No doubt our Year 7 and 8 students are looking forward to their day at the Melbourne Cable Park, having not been able to go on an overnight camp this year! While we are still unable to gather together as a whole school community, we are grateful to be able to come together in smaller groups for these celebrations. Thank you to all staff who have and are giving a great deal of time towards preparing these events.  


College Fees for 2021

All families received a letter recently advising that we have made the decision to maintain both the Tuition Fees and Capital Levy at the 2020 amount, rather than apply an increase which is standard practice in schools each year, and which we understand most schools will be doing as per normal practice.  As mentioned in the letter, we are very mindful of the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on many families and recognise that a number of activities and programs were not able to be held this year. The Finance Committee and Stewardship Council felt that maintaining fees at their current level for 2021, despite the financial cost to the College, was an appropriate way to provide a financial benefit to all families continuing at the College.  We hope that knowing in advance that there will be no fee increase for 2021 provides comfort to our families.


There are always mixed emotions at the end of a school year as we farewell members of our community as they reach the end of their contract, move to a new working environment or make the transition to a different phase of their lives. We acknowledge and thank the following staff members for their valuable contributions and commitment to Kilbreda College and wish them well in their future endeavours. 

  • Mrs Kim Aidone (on leave 2020)
  • Mr Luke Delecca
  • Mrs Melissa Dwyer (on leave 2020)
  • Mrs Ellie Fabri
  • Mr Joe Gallo (on leave 2020)
  • Ms Christine Hammett
  • Mrs Cate James
  • Mrs Chizu Mukaigawara
  • Ms Julia Smith

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, we are mindful that this season can be a challenging time for people in our communities. For many of us it is a day of celebration and others it can be a time of great sadness and loneliness.  As we begin this new Advent season, we pray that we receive the gift of Jesus and the Spirit so that our hearts can be calm and peaceful.  May we recognise, welcome and reach out to the vulnerable and the lonely within our communities.


As 2020 comes to an end, we must take time to be grateful for what we have; family, staff, colleagues and friends that support us. We give thanks for the privilege of education and employment, a privilege that so many around the world do not have. We give thanks for the opportunities over the year to extend and challenge ourselves, to learn, to celebrate, to deepen our spiritual journey and to connect with others.


We pray for peace in our families, our communities and our world and I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas. 


Wait in joyful hope,

A saviour will come.

Jesus Christ

The light of the world.

Wait in joyful hope,

A saviour will come,

Welcome to the Word of God     

Michael Herry: Sing Spirit, Sing Life


Nicole Mangelsdorf
