Embedding a Culture of Child Safety in Glen Education

Embedding a Culture of Child Safety
Leanne Clements, WHS Coordinator
Following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the Victorian Government recommended a number of changes to align with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
As of July 1st, 2022, the new Child Safe Standards come into force. The standards have now gone from 7 standards to 11.
Standard 2 - Child Safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance, and culture
This standard requires Glen Education to:
- Make a public commitment to child safety.
- Child safety is embedded and is the focus of all levels across the organisation
- Have a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Have a Code of Conduct
- Implement Risk management strategies
- Ensure staff and volunteers are aware of their obligations on information sharing and record keeping
At Glen Education “Our duty is about safe premises, safe people, and safe practices”.
We take children’s safety and wellbeing very seriously from the smallest of scratches/scrapes to the most serious incidents and observations.
There are many ways that Glen Education management and staff provide a safe environment for children.
All staff are required to adhere to
- The Code of Conduct and Child Safe Environment Statement that is displayed in all of the services foyers. All staff regard all children equally and with respect and dignity. They will also promote a safe and secure environment for children by acting with a duty of care and diligence. It is our duty of care is to take reasonable precaution to prevent the abuse (in any form) of a child by an individual associated with the organisation.
- All Educators take part in professional development focused on children’s safety, behavioural guidance and child protection and children’s rights, first aid, CPR, Anaphylaxis and Asthma training
On a daily basis the Educators at your service are committed to providing the children with a safe environment. They are required to carry out the following
- Carry out inspections of the indoor and outdoor areas and fill in a safety checklist to ensure the environment is safe for the children and anyone who attends the service.
- Be aware of and report any hazards or maintenance issues to WHS Coordinator, who will then resource ways to rectify the issue
- Record, report and notify if a child is injured whilst at the service
- Maintain children’s action and risk minimisation plans for allergies, anaphylaxis, and medications
- Create risk assessments for regular outings, excursions and during the COVID pandemic risk assessments for high touch experiences such as playdough
- Conduct emergency procedures with children each term (evacuation, lockout, lockdown)
As an organisation, we are required to carry out compliance and safety audits of each service every term. We also engage outside organisations to conduct annual playground audits, test, and tag our electrical equipment, there are 6 monthly checks of fire exits and equipment and annual building inspections from the councils associated with our services
A number of procedures and policies are in place for Educators to follow when interacting with children and providing children with a safe environment and ensuring their wellbeing.
I recommend reading the following policies that specifically refer to children’s safety and wellbeing
- Administration of First Aid
- Administration of Medication
- Anaphylaxis
- Asthma
- Duty of Care
- Excursion and Service Events Policy
- Interactions with Children policies
- Sleep and Rest
- SunSmart
- Code of Conduct
- Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
All of these policies are about the safety and well being of children that attend Glen Education services.
Glen Education values are
Respect, Authenticity, Integrity, Community, Celebration
The community looks to us as an organisation and to our Educators to provide a child safe culture and that our words and actions will show that any form of child abuse or harm will not be tolerated. As a whole community it is our responsibility to work together in partnership with families to keep all children safe.
Our Child Safe Environment Policy requires our families to report any concerns of potential child abuse or harm or any in appropriate behaviour to the appropriate authorities and to adhere to the Code of Conduct.
By working together, we can ensure all the children that attend our services are able to enjoy a safe and caring environment.
Policies are available for families to view on the Glen Education website: https://gleneducation.org.au/policies/