Glen Education Info

Term Dates 2022
Term One 2022
Friday 28 January 2022 (staff only on the first two days) - Friday 8th April 2022
Term Two 2022
Tuesday 26th April 2022 - Friday 24th June 2022
Term Three 2022
Monday 11th July 2022 - Friday 16th September 2022
Term Four 2022
Monday 3rd October 2022 - Tuesday 20th December 2022 (staff only for the last session of each group).
For more information on term dates please visit:
Note: Term dates may be subject to change in the current climate (COVID-19). Glen Education continue to be guided by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Glen Education Office:
Level 1, 2 North Drive
236 - 262 East Boundary Road
Bentleigh East, VIC 3165
Phone: 03 9570 5866
Enrolments 2023 NOW OPEN
Glen Education participate in a Central Registration Scheme for sessional First Year (3YO) and Second Year (4YO) Kindergarten programs. The Scheme is administered by local Councils on behalf of all kindergartens operated by Glen Education.
To enrol at a Glen Education Kindergarten families must first submit a registration through the relevant Council’s Central Registration Scheme (with the exception of Glen Eira residents who register for First Year (3YO) Kindergarten in 2022, need to contact Glen Education directly).
To submit an application, and learn WHEN and HOW to apply for a Glen Education kindergarten place, please visit the Glen Education website HERE or your local council on the link below:
Bayside City Council Enrolments
City of Kingston Enrolments
City of Monash Enrolments
Glen Eira City Council Enrolments
Holiday Care Program
Available again in 2022!
Qualified educators operate the Holiday Care Program, and we offer a variety of engaging activities from visual art, sports, music and movement, environmental education, cooking experiences and flexible indoor/outdoor play. For more information on the program and to make a booking, please visit our website, or BOOK HERE
Dates: 19 September to 30 September
When: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Cost: $80 per day
Please note this is a Glen Education funded
program and therefore no CCR is available.
Please note there will be no Holiday Care Program running on Friday 23rd September due to the Grand Final Day Public Holiday.
Rapid Antigen Testing
RATs have proved an important COVIDSafe tool to help reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and keep our Glen Education services as safe as possible. Their use remains voluntary for staff and children aged 3 to 5 years but is strongly encouraged. You can collect a RAT from your child's service.
From Monday 23 May 2022, it is recommended that rapid antigen tests are only used by staff and children when symptomatic. Rapid antigen tests are also required to be used for 5 days if a staff member or child is an identified close contact of a confirmed case, and they are attending or working at a sessional kindergarten, long day care, family day care, occasional care and outside school hours service.
Staff and children who are unwell
If staff or children are unwell, they are required to stay at home, unless those symptoms are known to be caused by an underlying health condition or medication.
Children and staff who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, should also undertake a RAT or a PCR test and quarantine at home until they receive a negative result. As influenza and colds are becoming more prevalent, even with a negative result, children and staff should avoid ECEC settings until their symptoms resolve and they are well again.
Free influenza vaccination
As influenza is becoming more prevalent, ECEC staff and families are encouraged to get their flu vaccination.
Free influenza vaccination is available for children from 6 months to under 5 years of age and other eligible Victorians. Glen Education encourages parents to talk to their GP, local council immunisation service or community health about the influenza vaccine. Flu vaccination can also be received at the same time as a COVID-19 vaccination for people aged 5 and above.
Connect With Us
Our social media platforms are a great way to learn about GEKA programs and services, latest news, upcoming, events, involvement opportunities and more.
Virtual Tours
We are excited to invite you to explore our Kindergartens through this new immersive online tour experience. Gain a thorough insight into our Kindergartens and programs with 360 degree views of our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our services exceed the National Standard for the delivery of high-quality programs and environments for children. Thank you to outgoing GM Business Services, Corey Goodes, for the filming of the tours!