Glen Education Glover Street

Policies and Procedures in Practice
Cheree Yates , Early Childhood Teacher
Our Duty is about safe premises, safe people and safe practice.
The upcoming changes to the Child safe standards has provided us an opportunity to reflect and continue to build our capacity in keeping children safe from harm and abuse.
Standard 11 - Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.
As you arrive at Glen Glover Street, you can immediately see practices that share with the community that our focus is keeping children safe from harm and abuse. Signage that prompts families to take the time to be aware of who they are letting in and out of the premises, our sun smart accreditation, our Child Safe Environment Statement and information on how to access all Glen Education policies.
Standard 11.2 states: policies are easy to understand and can be easily accessed.
- Our signage gives our community the information on how to access all policies through our Glen Education website. These can be viewed and downloaded, allowing opportunity to read and understand at a time and place that’s suitable. The website lays out the policy information in an easy to read format, specifying context, definitions, and responsibilities of all involved. This includes Staff, Glen Education Management, Nominated supervisors and Parents/Guardians. Relevant legislation and further information is available through clicking a link provided. Families/community can access as much information as required in one easy place.
Standard 11.5 states: Staff understand and implement policies and procedures.
- Glen Education Leaders regularly share information on review or reform of legislation and provide opportunities for Educators to participate in professional development that builds knowledge and capacity. Leadership ‘walk the talk’ by engaging in professional learning alongside the education teams.
As educators, we purposefully look to implement procedures that highlight our commitment to maintaining a child safe environment.
In practice this may look like:
- Educators sharing stories, games or discussions with children about child safe behaviours that will give them tools to ensure their own personal safety.
- Daily safety checks of both the indoor and outdoor environment before children and families arrive and recording and reporting information as needed.
- The addition of the UN convention of the Rights of the Child in each child’s portfolio supports educators to focus on learning outcomes that acknowledge children’s rights.
- Each educator taking the responsibility of knowing who is accessing the building and checking that it is appropriate for them to be there.
- All Glen Education staff are included and consulted in the review and implementation of all policies.
“All children have the right to feel safe and be safe, but safety does not just happen” Commission for Children and Young People.