Principal's Patch

Sandra Thompson

Dear Parents 


The challenges facing schools, and indeed most of our school community, have continued these past few weeks with the weather being the most disruptive. Unfortunately, this week it has resulted in us postponing Year 6 camp for another four weeks, which in hindsight was a responsible and sensible decision when we have looked at the weather the Sunshine Coast has started to receive in the last few hours.  


Furthermore, it has caused inevitable further delays on the new building being completed. To say I am devastated that the building will not be open before I leave on my retirement next Friday 20th May is an understatement. This building has been such a huge part of my vision for the students of PBSS, and the four years of planning and decision making has been extensive. Leaving things unfinished is not who I am, and my dream to leave the school looking at its ‘new’ best was always at the timing behind my end date. From discussions with the building company today, I believe that the end of this term is now a more realistic time frame. If I had been made aware of this a little earlier, I would have delayed my retirement date, but unfortunately this is not meant to be, as I have booked my European adventure to France, Sicily and Italy. A shining light at the end of this disappointment.


I would like to offer my huge congratulations to Mr Scott Anderson, who has been officially appointed as the new principal of PBSS. Scott has been principal of Pacific Pines SS for the past seven years and deputy principal there before that. I’m sure he will fill you in further on his career once he takes over the reins at PBSS and will continue to value add to the work that has been accomplished at PBSS over recent years. Scott will commence at PBSS on Monday 23rd May. 



A reminder that parents are not permitted to drive into the Townson Ave staff carpark to drop off and pick up students at PCYC after 7.15am and before 3.15pm. This area becomes too congested with staff trying to park and/or leave between these hours. Thank you for supporting our school procedures and ensuring the safety of all. Students can be dropped on Townson Ave entry at the ramp and walk directly to PCYC. 



We are proud of our school uniform and the support for our uniform policy that the students and parents normally demonstrate. As soon as the cooler months commence, these expectations do not change and parent support is required to uphold these expectations. 

These include:

  • Completely navy jumpers/jackets only (choices are available at the Uniform shop) with no logos etc
  • Girls are not permitted to wear leggings on their own! … The school skort/shorts must be worn over the top of them and navy leggings/tights are required. 
  • Please name all jumpers and tracksuit pants (basically anything that can be removed as the day warms up)
  • Shoes with white and/or other colours mixed with the required black do not meet our school uniform policy.


After seven years, it is a surreal feeling that this will be my last newsletter as principal of PBSS. I have given it my all. May the incredible efforts we have achieved together continue in the years to come. 


                                                                BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE!


Sandra Thompson
