From the Office

OOPS Calendar

Thursday 5th MayRound Robin Final
Friday 6th MayDistrict Cross Country
Friday 6th MayYr 3-6 Assembly
Wednesday 11th/Thursday 12th MayNAPLAN
Friday 13th MayPupil Free Day
Monday 16th May - Tuesday 17th MayYear 1 Wicked Weather Incursion
Monday 13th JuneQueen's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 14th JuneProfessional Practice Day (students free day)
Friday 12th AugustPupil Free Day

Kitchen Garden Program - Helpers Needed

The Year 3 & 4 Kitchen Garden Program is back for Term 2 and the 3/4 team would like to invite any parents or family members that would like to volunteer to help out to come and be a part of the program.


We are staggering the start of the program due to NAPLAN. Grade 4's will start Friday the 6th of May and the Grade 3's will start Thursday the 19th.


Please email Armann (Year 4 teacher) at if you are interested and hold a current Working with Children card.


Mother's Day Coffee Cart

Noel Jones Blackburn are kindly supplying a coffee cart on Friday 6th May in honour of Mother's Day.  Grab your free coffee between 8.30am and 9.15am on the asphalt area.  They are also running a competition to win an Endota Spa voucher.  Details below.



Next time you shop at Rebel, please consider linking your membership to Old Orchard Primary School.  It won't cost you a thing, but can help earn valuable points to enable our school to buy new, much needed sporting equipment.