You Are Imperfectly Perfect


I encourage you to imagine with me for a moment…


Picture a mug. A beautiful, hand-crafted mug. It can look however you’d like it to look, it’s your mug after all, and you made it. 


You’ve put thought into the size and shape of the mug, you chose the colour, you moulded it into shape, and painted on the details. It turned out exactly as you pictured it. You press your fingerprint into the mug before it’s fired in the kiln, so there’s no doubt that you made it.


Someone comes along and says that your mug isn’t perfect, it has some flaws. You know it’s not “perfect”, but it’s perfectly how you intended it. Who are they to say otherwise? Someone else decides that your mug is actually better suited as a hat. While another says it’s too small… looks more like a bowl… doesn’t have enough handles… but you are the creator. It’s a mug because you lovingly crafted it into the mug that it is. No matter what anyone says about it, it doesn’t change the intended purpose of your mug.


God is our Creator. He lovingly moulded us, and spent time picking out our size, shape, facial features, DNA and the number of hairs on our heads. No matter what anyone says about us, it can’t change what and who God says we are.


So, when the world says otherwise, we need to return to the source; the Spirit-inspired book that details who we were designed to be. 


God says we are special because we are His handiwork (Ephesians 2:10). He designed our purpose (Jeremiah 29:11) and says we are loved (Jeremiah 31:3), forgiven (Psalm 103:12), cared for (2 Corinthians 9:8), valued (Matthew 10:29-31), chosen (Colossians 3:12) and we are enough (Romans 8:28). 


Just like the fingerprint that you left on the mug, God’s fingerprint is all over our lives and written in the scriptures. So if in doubt, return to the source…