House Athletics

Dylan O'Flynn - Yellow House Sport Captain


On Thursday St. Joseph's went to Duncan Mackinnon Reserve for the Athletics Carnival and it was extremely fun. Everyone did their best and they all loved it, even if they didn’t win, they enjoyed it and supported their team. The team that won was Yellow and the other teams were happy and very kind to Yellow when they won. I thought the Sport Captains did a great job of organising their teams and supporting their team mates. The parents also helped. They didn’t get forced to help but they wanted to help out the school which was very nice of them. Ms Davies, our sport teacher for 2022, did a great job of organising everything with the help of Mr Cleary and we all are very thankful to have them as our sport teacher and organiser for 2022.


Monique Panozzo - Yellow House Captain


Thursday 31st of March was Ath's day it was a very tiring, but an amazingly fun day. We started off the day by doing Triple Jump. Everybody really enjoyed it. At the end of the day we did a house colour relay. All the Sports Captains selected four people from each grade to participate in the relay. Red ended up winning the relay but everyone still tried their best. After that  Ms Davies sat everyone down and she announced the Ath's house colour winner drum roll……it was Yellow. Everyone jumped and screamed, it was very exciting. Overall the day was really great, thank you to all the parents and teachers who helped make this happen!