News from Year 2



What an exciting term we have had in Year 2! Here is what some of the children had to say...


Xavier V: In year 2 we have been learning new vocabulary in our Word of the Week lessons. My favourite words we have learned are delectable, elated and illuminate. In our lessons we have a ‘word of the week’ theme song, we write sentences and synonyms, and we act out what the word means. Everyone thinks it’s fun! 


Claire: In Maths we have been learning about o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have been drawing the hands on the clocks and we also used our chromebooks to make Slides about seasons and months. 


Archer S: In year 2 we got to bake Anzac biscuits. We made these because we have been learning about Anzac Day in Topic and we have been learning about instructional texts in Writing. Next week we are going to write a recipe for them! They were delectable!


Amitie: In year 2 we have been learning to write narratives about ‘The Journey Home’. We wrote about children getting lost in a forest and trying to find their way home. We made it dark, gloomy and ominous! If you want to read them, they are on the wall outside our classroom!