Parents & Friends Association

We welcome parents and friends to come along to meetings, held on the third Tuesday of the month. We meet in the staffroom (just past the office walkway) 7:00pm for 7:15pm start, around 1 hour only.
Meeting Schedule:
- 17 May 2022
- 21 June 2022
- 19 July 2022
- 16 August 2022
- 20 September 2022
- 18 October 2022
- 15 November 2022
On 15 March 2022 we had our AGM, this was the last night for Kim Pearson (President), Maree Betts (Vice President) and Carol Reed (Secretary). These parents have been involved with the school since 2011. The new Committee would like to express their graduate to these parents, for the time they are given to create a wonderful P&F. We wish them well now their College life has ended, we hope you would still like to come back and support our Trivia Nights.
At the AGM, we have a new President, Grant Lee, Vice President Patrice McGowen, Treasure Jo. We are looking for a secretary, if you would like to give back to the College, come along to our meetings.
Our focus for this year, Community. We would like to encourage you to attend many wonderful things we have planned through the year.
Our P&F meetings will focus more on what the school and P&F can do to work together. Our first meeting, we will have special guest School Principal Mr Rod Whelan to discuss (15mins) where the school is going this year and discipline within the school. We hope you can make it.
We have planned the following:
- Term 2 - Trivia Night
- Term 3 - Colour Run
- Term 4 - Christmas P&F Get Together and Dinner
Mr Grant Lee - P&F President