Chaplains Chat 

Veronica Tirchett

This week is National Random Acts of Kindness Week. During uncertain times, we can reach to the certainty of the radical transformational power of kindness. Though recent events have shown us that we often cannot control what happens to us, we can control our response. And if we respond with kindness, we can make a positive difference that makes a lasting impact.


Recently I went down to my doctor’s surgery in Lilydale at 8am hoping to be “squeezed into” her already over booked schedule. As I was trying to plead my case with the medical receptionist and not wanting to be turned away, a young student from Lilydale High School stepped through the door catching the end of our conversation. Without giving it a second thought, she looked at me and said, “You can take my 8 am appointment.” I was so thankful, but declined her offer. As I sat down to wait, I thought how very kind and thoughtful she was to offer this gesture to a complete stranger. Her act of kindness stayed with me all day.


While kindness is powerful, it also takes practice! And The following are tips and resources for kids, caregivers, families and community members on how we can bring compassion and hope to the world.

  • Begin with kindness to yourself 
    As author Jack Kornfield says, "If compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete." Practicing self compassion is critical. When you face a challenge - give yourself a break and talk to yourself as you would a good friend. Your self kindness will emanate to others, including those in your care.
  • Talk About It 
    During dinner time or phone calls, talk about kindness. Talk about all the ways that you are seeing people step up to help one another during this difficult time. Brainstorm ways that you can help, too
  • Widen your circle of empathy. 
    It is easier to have empathy for people who look like us, talk like us and believe as we do. Kindness challenges us to "widen our circle of empathy" to include people who may be very different from us and therefore outside our radar of concern in our daily lives.
  • Start with small acts. 
    Kindness does not need to be a grand gesture to make a huge impact. Small acts done with great generosity can change someone's day and even their life.
  • Encourage someone. 
    During difficult times, people need to be reminded of their strengths. Recognizing and mirroring someone's gifts is an act of profound kindness. A smile, a note or a compliment can make a difference.
  • Make kindness a family/personal value. 
    Remind yourself and your family that kindness is a priority in your lives. Talk about kindness as a "personal or family value" that is more important than other markers of success.
  • Get creative + fun!
    Make practicing kindness a joyful practice.  Make kindness, fun, creative and a task of togetherness.
  • Thank the helpers (practice gratitude). It is important to  "look to the helpers" in times of challenge. It is also powerful to "thank the helpers" - reach out in kindness to thank the people who make a difference in our lives.


James M. Barrie


