Harmony Day

On Tuesday 9 March, Henry Kendall High School celebrated Harmony Day.  We have students from around the globe and celebrate immigration from 42 countries, proudly speaking 44 languages/dialects within their homes.  How cool ?


Our day started with a Celebration Assembly where Tram Nguyen, Claire Norris and Bridie Lennon delivered a powerful message about the rich history of Harmony Day in Australia. The key message ‘Everyone Belongs’ was shared and the colour orange was worn by many staff and student to signify social communication and meaningful conversations.


We shared flags from around the world and perhaps the highlight, a "Harmony at HK" mini film. This film included students from many cultural backgrounds who spoke about their place of birth, traditions they celebrate and something strange or odd about the Australian culture. 

As students moved into class, a world map was in each room and students pin-pointed where their families had migrated from. It was a great discussion point and a visual reminder of the diversity that exists within each classroom.  Each student within the school then wrote a message or shared their family history on a paper hand which was included in the visual display. 


The Harmony display was displayed proudly in the library as part of the nation-wide Harmony Day celebration. 


Thank you to the Diversity Leadership Team, presenters and star actors for their amazing contributions on the day. 







 Miss Tegan Perkins 

Student Services

Harmony Day Co-ordinator