
How nice it is for our students to be back in the classroom and learning face-to-face with their teachers.


This year we are placing an emphasis on the importance of mathematical thinking in the real world. It is crucial for our students to understand that the Mathematics curriculum is designed to encourage logical thinking and advance problem-solving skills. Whilst the content that is explored may not have direct relevance for the students, the skills that are developed will certainly be vital.  Once students make this connection, their level of engagement significantly increases. Parents can assist in this process by having positive conservations regarding mathematics with their children. This could involve asking children to simply explain their thought process about an everyday decision.


We are noticing that an increased number of students are arriving to mathematics classes without their calculator.  Calculators are an essential tool for effective participation in lessons and It is important that students have their own as different models often function differently. Could parents please check-in with their children to ensure they have a calculator; if they don't one can be purchased from our school office. If you have a calculator that has stopped working, a simple change of the AAA battery may be enough to get it working again.


We are again running our free mathematics support programs. With thanks to Mrs Thornton, Maths and Milo happens before school every Tuesday in room GL9. Students can simply drop in anytime between 8:00 and 8:55am for assistance with any maths problem and also receive a free cup of Milo. 

Due to COVID restrictions, this program is currently running on a rotating roster of Year groups. For our senior students, Maths Club occurs from 3:30-4:30 pm every Wednesday in the school library. Thanks to Mrs Lill and The Smith Family for providing tutors. Students must apply to Mrs Lill in order to be given a position in Maths Club.

Finally, I would like to thank our parent community for the support already shown to the Mathematics faculty. We have had the pleasure of speaking to many Henry Kendall High School parents this year and we really appreciate that we are able to work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for the students.


Have you seen Episode 1 of our Math's video? Click on the link below.

I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter break.



Matthew Reece

Head Teach
