Sound & Lighting

Sound and Lighting Team- The Quiet Achievers!

Henry Kendall High School has a dynamic group of students that quietly, yet professionally work to provide clear sound and empathetic lighting in the MPC (Multi Purpose Centre).  Typically there is an intake every two years so that knowledge is being passed on from one cohort to the next. They start off in Year 7 or 8 and usually do shows with us through to Year 11. Students may start off sweeping the stage or organising props etc, then over time will progress to the microphone, data projector, then the sound and lighting desks. With daily assemblies in the MPC and the need for data projectors for presentations quadrupling over the last couple years, the team is kept very busy. This is on top of the usual shows like HKHS Has Talent, graduation ceremonies, ANZAC Day, prefect investitures and the almost fortnightly celebration assemblies. 


The MPC is a shared facility so this means one period there might be a basketball game then later in the day there might be a show, this means an endless amount of maintenance needs to be done. The students help Mr Silver to setup for shows and fault-find any issues then rectify them prior to a show.  At the start of a show, Miss McLennan takes over, briefs the team and runs the team for the show.  As with all shows there are a multitude of unforeseen things that can go wrong, and often do, however one of the real strengths of the team is their coolness under pressure. Last year during the end of year show (which was being live streamed) the rope that opens and closes the curtains (way above the stage) broke mid show. The team didn’t flinch but instead came up with quick solutions to allow the show to proceed.  The emphasis is on the students running most aspects of the show to give them hands on experience. In the past we have had students from the team secure full time jobs in sound and lighting related fields.


This article is really a shout out to the hard work on a daily basis (that most people never see) that all the sound and lighting team contribute to our fantastic school.  95% of the work they do is in their own time and they are all aware that they need to catch up on any class work missed if they are preparing or packing up from a show.  Often the setup and pack up goes longer than the shows. 


The new sound and lighting shirts purchased for the team to wear during shows, they are still in uniform, however less conspicuous in black  on stage. Our current team consists of Rowan Webb, Seth Beaman,  Eden Turner, Jake Lofthouse, Jet Wong, Evan Morton and some new students in training.