Principal's News

Our theme for this year is 



Dear Parents,

We had an excellent implementation planning day on Wednesday and worked with 5 members of Catholic Education Melbourne who supported us in our analysis of our data and creating clear achievable milestones and actions to meet them. 


It is wonderful that we are back on site for our learning and good to know that the outbreak was contained very efficiently and quickly.  As much as our masks and our restrictions can be frustrating at times, I guess they have proven to be effective and give us confidence in moving forwards and managing whatever the future may hold in regards to further outbreaks.


It was great to see so many of our families and parishioners at the meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the future of our Parish with Fr Joe Caddy (Vicar General). Whilst no decisions were made there was a lot of sharing and listening that we hope will be a two way street. It certainly isn't time to put up our feet, but to stand strong and continue to make our voices heard by our church hierarchy to ensure St Kevin's Parish can grow and thrive in the future as the unique parish that it is, in its own right.

Here is a message about the evening from Father Gerry:

Well Done St Kevin’s Parish!

150 people gathered last Wednesday night to the invitation in Discussion with Melbourne’s Vicar General Fr Joe Caddy.

“Oh what an attendance last Wednesday night (24th February) with Fr Joe Caddy!

Congratulations. I hope you feel proud of your generosity in coming and helping the church to edge towards synodality (ie: listening to each other and walking together, as Pope Francis sees synodality).

Where to next? How do we move forward from Wednesday?

We need to continue to strive to bridge the gap between the Archdiocese and what forms does the bridge take to be built?

Last night, Fr Joe Caddy said “keep the conversation going”.

We failed to press further, the details of how to keep the conversation going…

One thing is clear- 150 people (and yes this is the exact number of people  counted by two independent parishioners), means that the momentum has its own force.

Your Pastoral Council will be meeting next Tuesday.

What questions, issues, ways forward do you see would be helpful for the PPC to discuss. Please continue the conversation in whatever way you wish – personal approach, email, phone conversation, letters in the mailbox!

Well done St Kevin’s – your attendance is a great indication of your commitment to our community.

                                                             Fr Gerry


Our year 5/6 children headed off for the first round of Summer Interschool sport against our neighbouring schools on Thursday and boy did they do us proud. Our basketball team won all their matches as did our cricket team and two out of three of our tennis teams. It certainly puts us in a great position for round two and moving into the finals.


Don't forget that Monday 8th March is the Labour Day Public Holiday and there is no school. Enjoy the long weekend!!!!!



Thanks to all those who have been able to support our long weekend Bunnings BBQ by offering to fill a time slot. You will be pleased to know that all time slots are now filled, however we would be very grateful for donations of drinks and sauces and money to buy sausages for those who would like to contribute but are unable to help on the day. An enormous thank-you must go to Bakers Delight at Macedon Plaza who have agreed to donate the bread for our BBQ and deliver it. We are very lucky to have such a great relationship with our local businesses and encourage all our families to reciprocate by supporting Bakers Delight in Macedon Plaza with their custom.



This year we are trying something a little different and having three Open Days - but shorter sessions. The first of our Open Days will be held on Friday 12th March from 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. Please share this news as far and wide as you can and encourage your friends, neighbours and relatives with preschool aged children to come along and have a look at our wonderful school. Your endorsement is far more effective than any ad we can put in any magazine so please get out there in the community at every opportunity and talk up our school.



Letters have now been sent out to all children due to make a Sacrament in 2021 and to those who were due to make a Sacrament in 2020. Please see the R.E. section of the newsletter for the date for our Sacrament Information night for all families with a child making a sacrament this year whether they are from 2020 or 2021. If you have not received a letter but have a child who would like to make a Sacrament this year please contact Sonia Costa on or ring the office on 9273 9999.



Our next SAB meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th March in the staffroom at 7.30 p.m.

We will be working on our Board action plan for 2021 with a focus on growing enrolments for 2022. 



  • You are very welcome to come into the office and direct all inquiries/messages  to Robyn, but please do not enter the learning spaces.
  • Please wear a mask when coming into the office, when you are unable to socially distance
  • Please ensure you and your children stay home if unwell and get tested
  • Continue to practise good hand hygiene


We now have a play therapist working onsite two days per week - Thursday and Friday.  Laura is a highly qualified and experienced play therapist who began work with us in 2020. Play Therapy can help children and families address a range of issues, including; difficulties with friendships or managing big emotions, challenges with transitions and settling back into school, making sense of changes, increasing confidence and building self-esteem, strengthening parent-child and sibling relationships, managing anxiety and depression and healing from traumatic experiences. If you think your child/family could benefit from Laura's services please feel free to contact her on: 0402 961 826.



As part of our marketing campaign this year we are asking all of our families to do a flyer drop in their street, advertising our school and our open days for the year. If you live in the same street as another of our families perhaps you could do a different street nearby to your house. I will be marking a map so we know which streets have had flyers delivered to them so we don't double up. We don't mind how far and wide the flyers are delivered - the more people that know about us the better. We have so many people, even in our own community that say "We didn't know there was a school there", so we want to spread the word that we are here and ready for a great intake of students in 2022. PLEASE HELP US!

Send me an email or quick phone call to let me know the street you can deliver in and roughly how many flyers you need and I will send them home with your child.

Thanks in advance for helping us to promote the school and grow our numbers in 2022. 


Look at our amazing students.  If you would like to support Hayley please donate at: 




I was contacted earlier in the week by the project manager of a company that is doing major roadworks in the area. These road works are an ongoing 3 year project and will cause disruption to traffic flow around the area. I will get updates from the company from time to time and share them with you in our newsletter so that you know what is happening and what areas to avoid. Please check the community news section of our newsletter for further updates.


If you are aware of anyone who has a child starting prep in 2022  please encourage them to contact us for an enrolment pack. If you have a child starting school in 2022 - feel free to access the enrolment form on our website or by accessing the link below. 


Kindest regards


Frances Matisi
