Principal's Report 


The Meet the Teacher Evening occurred last Tuesday across both campuses. The focus was for the teacher understanding your child as a learner so they are able to plan engaging lessons at the correct developmental level and to meet their social and emotional needs.


The information provided will support teachers in the setting of goals within Individual Education Plans which will be discussed with you on Tuesday, 27th April, for 15 minutes from 3.15pm. Once again, Webex will be available for parents/carers who are unable to make it to the school. More information will be provided closer to the event.


The communication between home and school was also discussed at the Meet the Teacher Evening including the importance for all families to be using Compass regularly.


The School Council and school staff have been working on a Home-School Communication Plan which will clearly communicate the frequency of communication that parents/carers can expect from teachers. You may have already received a weekly post from your child’s teacher that has summarised events that have occurred or will be occurring. This Home-School Communication Plan will soon be released to all members of the school community.

Increased Leadership Support

In 2021, Concord School has increased the Leadership Support across the school. An additional section leader has been employed to work in the Upper Primary, Secondary 7/8 and Secondary 9/10 areas of the school. Each of these sections now has two non-teaching leaders to support the staff and students. One member leads Teaching and Learning while the other leads Student Engagement and Wellbeing. In addition, one of these leaders is the Team Leader. Please see below an overview of the leadership model in these sections.


 Upper PrimarySecondary 7/8Secondary 9/10
Learning SpecialistMaddison ByrneReena PalaniveluLeesa Fatone


Teaching and Learning


Rachel Morgan


Karlie Gooding

(also Team Leader)


Chris Malane

(also Team Leader)


Engagement and Wellbeing


Chris Norman 

(also Team Leader)


Jessica Fitzsimons


Cath Sloley


In Lower Primary, Kath Moore is the Campus Principal and Lisa Wiedermann fulfils the role of Assistant Campus Principal. In Secondary 11/12, Bronwyn Hart is the Team Leader who is supported by Megan Prenc as the Learning Specialist.


Punctuality At The Beginning Of The Day

Every day your child is away from school/late impacts on the level of success that will be achieved throughout their time in school. We understand that sickness or  important health  appointments are a part of everyday life and cannot be avoided. 


We also know that getting students to school every day and on time will enable us to get the best out of your child (academic, social and emotional growth) which is always our priority.


Routines and procedures are critically important in establishing a strong learning environment within each classroom.


For this reason it is extremely important that students are at school, ready to begin their day, prior to the bell going at 9.00am. It is expected that learning begins from the moment the bell rings.

Principal Award-Phoebe Wilkinson-Lawler 7/8E


Phoebe started her high school journey by commencing at Concord this year. Her excitement and enthusiasm for everything Concord offers is highly infectious and her personality shines through each day in all aspects of classroom learning. 


Phoebe's greatest achievement this year has been to be accepted as a vocalist in Concord's school band 'Unbroken'. She is the first ever year 7 student to be a member of the band. Phoebe's confidence was evident when she co-hosted the section assembly with ease. She always attempts set tasks with willingness and determination to complete work with pride and is resilient if things do not go as she had planned. 


Phoebe is a highly valued member of 7/8E in the Secondary 7/8 section and is worthy recipient of this Principal's Award.


"Students striving to be the best they can be"



Jason Coningsby
