From the Principal
Photo courtesy Tim Marshall
From the Principal
Photo courtesy Tim Marshall
Over the course of the past few weeks there has been a lot of media coverage and a flurry of information sent from schools to their communities surrounding consent education. Brave women have stood strong, including activist and 2021 Australian of the Year, Grace Tame. Her courage has inspired others to reclaim their agency and the #LetHerSpeak campaign has changed laws.
We need to keep the conversation going.
The online petition by courageous young Sydney woman, Chanel Contos, calling for better education surrounding consent has ignited deep reflection and conversations. Reading the growing number of testimonies in this online petition is confronting, clearly demonstrating that the issue is not confined to students in one state or one school sector. The rape allegations at Parliament House in Canberra make it clear that this issue goes far beyond schools and that building education around consent is imperative if we want to see change.
Consent education is important and needs to begin early. The way we teach it, discuss it and respond to it continues to evolve at Preshil, and so it should. Consent is often linked to sex but we know that it’s more complex and much broader than that. At Preshil consent education begins in the Kindergarten and continues throughout Arlington and Blackhall Kalimna in age appropriate ways, not as an add-on to the curriculum but through lived experiences at school and play.
Our teachers guide students through understanding consent within the safety of our Mutual Respect Policy, which highlights the explicit conduct that is expected, as well as through our Essential Agreements.
Our programs and policies are regularly reviewed. At Preshil, we want to do better.
Should you need support, we encourage you to please reach out to us.
Talk soon. Talk Often.
A free resource developed to help parents initiate regular and relaxed conversations with their children about relationships and sexuality education.
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Natalie Jensen
Interim Principal