Welcome Back English Students


Year 7 English 4 enjoying the story of Anne Frank with Miss Brown. Year 7 are completing an Autobiographical Unit called Me, Myself and I.

The English Department at Kempsey High School has returned for 2021, excited and inspired to build the literacy skills of our students. We welcome back Mrs Emily McKay, who is returning from maternity leave. Miss Samantha Brown, who relieved for Mrs McKay during 2020, is with as again this year. We also welcome Mr Jotham Kingston to be a part of the English faculty.

Miss Emily Ballard and Ms Nicole Findlay are delighted to be teaching Drama to Years 9, 10 and 11. Miss Ballard will continue to teach Drama to Year 8 classes.

Mrs Rowena Hensley will be teaching all Year 8 students French, as well as some English and P.E. classes.

Mrs Linda Sneddon, our Librarian, will be working with all our classes to increase their use of the library and borrowing. As English Teachers, our Faculty is aware of the importance of reading and Literacy.   See the table below that clearly outlines the benefits of finding time to read.

Ms. Findlay will be working closely with Mr. Tim Squires at Base Camp with our senior students to ensure they make the most of their learning opportunities, see separate article on Base Camp in this Newsletter. 


I am looking forward to another year of seeing students expand their limits and push their potential. I enjoy watching students grow and develop their best selves. Remember to always do your best.



Sharyn Rix

Head Teacher of English, Drama and LOTE.